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May 9, 2021, 12 tweets

At least 90 Palestinians have been injured in Israeli police crackdown on protesters outside the Old City of Jerusalem on Saturday, as tens of thousands of Muslim worshippers prayed at Al-Aqsa Mosque

“NO U.S. taxpayer dollars should support the annexation of Palestinian land or destruction of Palestinian homes.” - US Congresswoman Betty McCollum.…

We take you through a brief tour of East Jerusalem to highlight the disparity in infrastructure and quality of life for Palestinians ⤵️

Full interactive here:

In a joint statement on Saturday, the Middle East Quartet – the US, Russia, EU, and the UN – expressed deep concern:

“The envoys noted with serious concern the possible evictions of Palestinian families from homes they have lived in for generations"

Millions of feet have walked the grounds of the al-Aqsa Mosque compound - now you can too ⤵️

Experience Islam's third holiest site by taking a 360° tour:

A Jerusalem court delays hearing over evictions of Palestinian families in the occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of #SheikhJarrah.

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Hundreds of Palestinian protesters have been hurt during a crackdown by Israeli police during the weekend outside occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. Here’s what you need to know 👇

Israeli PM Netanyahu defiant as global outcry grows over attempts to forcibly expel Palestinian residents in #SheikhJarrah.

Jordan urged Israel to stop “barbaric” attacks on Palestinian worshippers in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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American Muslim organisations strongly condemn Israeli violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which left hundreds of Palestinians injured.

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#SheikhJarrah #Palestine | Latest
-Israeli police attack Palestinians during peaceful protests in East Jerusalem on Sunday evening, leaving at least 17 injured
-At least 15 arrested in Haifa amid protests
-29 Palestinian children injured in 2 days: UNICEF…

Antonio Guterres called on Israel to “exercise maximum restraint and respect the right to freedom of peaceful assembly” in occupied East Jerusalem, according to a spokesman for the UN chief.

“He urges Israel to cease demolitions and evictions.”…

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