Ose Anenih Profile picture
Data Analyst ● Hotelier ● Politician ● Satirist

May 9, 2021, 8 tweets

A wise man told me that Buhari did not create these divisions, he merely exposed them

I think about the outrage when Boko Haram raised flags in Nigerian towns in 2014; the derision when the military drove them out in 2015

“Too little, too late”, people crowed. “We want change”.

Today, the outrage has been replaced by a chilling silence, as Boko Haram raises flags and levies taxes and kills citizen and soldier alike.

And all of this in next door Niger State, an hour and a half away from Abuja.

No outrage. No protests. Just...silence.

A wise woman once told me that the South is afflicted with a disease called political correctness.

I think about this a lot when I recall the opprobrium heaped on @stellaoduah for the procurement of armoured cars by a parastatal under her. I think about her sack by @GEJonathan.

I watched the defence of @DrIsaPantami by Northerners and Muslims and APC members. I read the defence of a self-confessed terrorist sympathizer by the Presidency.

I see the defence of @hadizabalausman by family & friends. She is their sister; they are with her. No matter what.

I remember the righteous indignation that drove you all out into the streets in 2012 when @GEJonathan wanted to end a corrupt fuel subsidy

You occupied Naija. You forced a president to back down. Vox populi, vox dei. You won.

He warned you that it was unsustainable. But YOU won

Fuel consumption has hit historic levels. In a depressed economy & during a pandemic.

@NNPCgroup subsidy payments mean no remittance will be made to FAAC. Some states will be unable to pay salaries and meet other commitments.

But the streets are empty. The voices, silent.

We should thank @MBuhari, really. He is like satire

How? Satire is a mirror. It does not create, it reflects

Buhari has come to show us who we truly are, behind our big grammar & Oyibo accents.

Now that we are naked and stripped of pretense, I look forward to the 2023 contest.


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