Authentic #blackconservatism has always had the fundamental and explicit goal of opposing white supremacy. — Kareim Oliphant #BlackConservative

May 9, 2021, 10 tweets

#HappyMothersDay, America!

Mothers are not perfect. But, like old wine, as they age, the better they become as a person.

"If there's a heaven up above
I know she's teaching angels how to love"

The Spinners - "Sadie"

"Philippe Wynne of The Spinners, one of the greatest soul singers of all time was raised in an orphanage after his mum and dad divorced. "The hardest thing about being there was knowing they were both alive"
He died aged just 43."

“Oh, Sadie
Don't you know we love you,
sweet Sadie? 🎶
Place no one above you
Sweet Sadie
🎶 Living in the past...”

One more thing: Giving Birth does not make someone a parent:

"A REAL parent is one who puts their child's interest and needs above their own SELFISH wants."

#DMX's life story is one example.

Sometimes, a parent isn't a birth mother! She's a grandmother - a Jehovah's Witness named, Mary Ella Holloway.

”Grandma, I really miss you ain’t been the same/ I drop a tear when I, hear yo’ name/ Mary Ella Holloway, why you gotta be so far away?/ 


The Jehovah's Witness grandmother of rapper DMX. He credits her for giving him the things his mother wasn't able to provide: Kindness, sanity, a rare sense of normalcy.

"His grandmother, Mary Ella Holloway, provided the nurturing care he desperately sought."

One woman kept the entire family together.

"Unfortunately, at a young age, he was abused by his mother and her boyfriends. His grandmother, Mary Ella Holloway, provided the nurturing care he desperately sought."

Simmons was her oldest grandchild and in her eyes, he could do no wrong.

Taken from ..."Earl “DMX” Simmons’ obituary".

"The 50-year-old icon personified hip hop and sold more than 74 million records during his legendary career."…

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