ッ Ann₇ saw Yoongi (💤till 🪖🎖️) Profile picture
🎶With you, I draw out my future/In between our couple shoes, I see a pair of baby sneakers🎶| fan account| prev. ac: @yoongorgeous

May 9, 2021, 31 tweets

Yoongi the all rounder : a very attractive thread

Let’s start with this Sexy shooting guard . His name “SUGA” partly came from his position in basketball games!

yoongi has a level 1 driving license which allows him to drive even buses

This attractive man can sew really well

Here’s another video of him sewing a doll’s nose

I think we all know what a great cook he is . A pro chef praised him coz he is THAT great

My man knows BOXING 😩😩😩

Yoongi is literally the king of random knowledge

Ofc this sexy all rounder has to be great at painting too just to make me suffer😩❤️

Yes Min YOONGI’s photography is 💯💯💯💯💯

Look at him fixing everything! Literally how attractive this man can be?

This man IS INCREDIBLY TALENTED RAPPER . So In Cypher pt2, Yoongi can rap approximately 11.4 syllables per second and chain 48 syllables every 4.2 seconds, for a total of 117 syllables in just 14,033 seconds

Min Yoongi best rapper

Yes he can fix anything and everything

YOONGI’s love for light fixtures and interior design is another amazing thing

My gosh HIS BALANCES??? EXCUSE ME?? This man does everything after calculating

The way Min Yoongi plays piano makes my heart skips beats . Here’s a lip of him playing the piano version of So Far away

YOONGI’s lyricism is unparalleled. No one will ever come close to him in this coz he knows where , how much, emotions to put. Yes he is writing from a very young age.

He loves to read books and all the book he reads are just💯💯🔥🔥! It’s my dream to have a convo with him about a book

Do I even have to mention how successful he is as the producer? Literally every music charts’ top positions scream his name 24/7 . This man is just THAT SEXY

I cant believe he learned guitar so quickly . And also by himself ! TALENTED KING

Yoongi best dancer! . He is JUST A REALLY GREAT DANCER !

And if I start talking bout this man’s fashion sense ......

~~~ end of thread ~~~

This man knows so many things that it’s impossible to include everything! Tbh I still don’t understand how he is real! I LOVE THIS GUY

Inspired by this lovely thread

Since I see it got 300 likes ( OMFG THANK YOU) , here’s sth I would like to add


Here let me leave this one for anyone who wants to check out MORE MIN YOONGI THREADS

AND OFC FOLLOW MY FAV BESTIE @kingmidasyoongi 😭😭😭

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