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May 10, 2021, 9 tweets

BREAKING: Dozens wounded as Israeli police storm Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa compound

Hundreds of Palestinians have been wounded and at least 50 people have been hospitalised, says The Palestinian Red Crescent.

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Israeli forces have stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Monday morning, firing rubber-coated bullets, tear gas, and sound bombs at Palestinian worshippers.

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Israeli forces prevent Palestinian medical teams from entering Al Aqsa Mosque compound.

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UPDATE: 215 Palestinians injured, 153 others hospitalised and 4 in a critical condition after Israeli police storm Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa compound.

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The latest Israeli raid on Al-Aqsa comes as occupied East Jerusalem braces for a planned Jewish nationalist march later today.

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“Snipers went on the roof of the gate at [Al-Aqsa] mosque compound and began to shoot rubber bullets at everyone ... At the same time a huge number of police forces invaded from different directions.”- Nour Mtour, Palestinian witness tells Al Jazeera

“Israeli police rushed through all the gates of Al Aqsa ... they started firing rubber bullets and tear gas ... People were on the floor suffocating" - Ibrahim Husseini, 17, who was inside the Al Aqsa mosque praying when Israeli forces raided the compound.


- At least 305 Palestinians wounded during the Israeli raid of #AlAqsa Mosque compound and the surrounding areas in occupied East Jerusalem's Old City.

- About 228 Palestinians hospitalised, including 7 in critical condition.

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