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Bharat first 🚩🇮🇳, Writer , (Tweets on: Scientific Facts in Dharma & current political issues) Self Taught: Artist✏️✍️🎤🎨🎸, RTs are not Endorsement

May 10, 2021, 15 tweets

Ramappa Temple

An ancient engineering marvel !!!
the brightest star in the galaxy of temples

An inscription in the temple dates it to the year 1213 CE and built by Kakatiya General Recherla Rudra, during Kakatiya ruler Ganapati Deva

Used earthquake resistant technology...


Here are some amazing facts about this Marvel

1. Floating Bricks
Top of the Ramappa temple is made up of bricks that can float in water

Recent studies show that the weight of these bricks is about one-third or one-fourth of the normal bricks of the same size

So that...


load on pillars and walls can be minimized

chances of collapsing temple during a natural disaster

And in modern science this technology has been named as AAC and invention year mentioned close to 1920

But this technology was well known in India much before 800 years!!!


2. Earth Quake Proof Building (SandBox Technique)

In this method, they used to dig 3 metres, filled it with sand and sand mixture than mixture of granite and jaggery

And only on this they have built huge and heavy constructions

This foundation is for low level vibrations


For high level vibrations small tunnel type holes are made through walls, roofs and pillers than melted iron is poured in them which will form iron dowels

In event of higher vibrations reaching construction through sand box, iron dowels will keep the construction intact


This temple has faced many earthquakes

But the biggest test for the temple was an earthquake in the 17th century (recorded at 7.7-8.2-magnitude on June 16, 1819)

floor was rocked by waves, while pillars and vertical structure stayed intact due to sandbox technology


Dr Venkata Dilip Kumar Pasupuleti, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering Sciences at Mahindra Ecole Centrale in Hyderabad, who is leading the study on the ‘sandbox technique tolda “The sandbox in the foundation acts as a cushion in case of earthquakes”


3. Ramappa Temple is named after its architecture

Usually, the temples in India are named after the deity (God) of the temple

But this temple is named after the architecture of the building

His name was Ramappa

While deity in this temple is Shiva


4. Standing Nandi

Nandi is that it is not in the sitting position, It is in position such that he is ready to stand up

One more specialty is that eyes are made up in this way that if you see it from any angle or direction you will realize that Nandi is watching you only


5. Small Temple Before Big Temple
Outside the main temple, there is a model of Ramappa Temple. This model was constructed before constructing the main building.

The main building was made by looking at the model


@LostTemple7 @AncientOurpride @desi_thug1 @DivineElement

6. Temple On 6 Feet Star Shaped Platform

This temple stands majestically on a 6 feet star shaped platform

The hall in front of the sanctum has numerous carved pillars that have been positioned to create an effect that combines light and space wonderfully



7. Carvings Telling About Past Of India

There are detailed carvings on temple wall as well as on its pillar

There are four figures on the three sides of the Ramappa temple

This means a total of twelve figures

These figures are of dancing women


These pillars have highly intricate details

You can't stop looking at them

These are carved with animals or female dancers or musicians, and are "the masterpieces of Kakatiya art, notable for their delicate carving, sensuous postures and elongated bodies and heads"


8. Music From Metal Carvings

Sweet musicals sound can be heard if you hit the metal carvings with your fingers or hands

Among the amazing carvings include a flute at the entrance of sanctum sanctorum which when hit make the sound sa-ri-ga-ma

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