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May 11, 2021, 18 tweets

[THREAD] These are the faces and names of those massacred by Israel in Gaza today

#SayTheirNames #humanizePalestinians

1) Mustafa Muhammad Abaid - age 17

2) Yazan Sultan Attallah al-Masri
- age 1

3) Musa Khamees Musa al-Zain
- Age 19

Ibrahim Yusuf Attallah
Age 10

Hussein Munir Hussein Hamd
Age 8

Muhammad Sabr Ibrahim Suleiman
Age 16

Zakaria Ziyad Muhammad Alloush
Age 18

Ibrahim Abdullah Hassanein
Age 16

8) Saleem Muhammad al-Fara
Age 37

Raed al-Abed al-Zaki Abuwarda
Age 27

Nabeel Numan Dardooneh
Age 34

Asmat Abdullah Al Zain
Age 49

Bashir Muhammad Muhammad Alloush
Age 56

Ibrahim Ahmed Talal alShinbari
Age 20

Ahmed Muhammad Attallah al-Masri
Age 20

Muhammad Abdullah Fayad
Age 26

Sabr Ibrahim Mahmoud Suleiman
Age 39

Muhammad Ali Muhammad Naseer
Age 24

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