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Writer, political analyst, comms consultant. UK, Israeli, US. Politics, current affairs and technology.

May 11, 2021, 6 tweets

The House of Commons slams the door in the face of Black Rod, approaching with a summons from the Queen.

No photo this year of Black Rod knocking on the door with her rod of office three times, because of scaled back pandemic coverage But there's a lovely notch there from past ceremonies.

Because if you're going to have a monarchy, it's important that the Queen remembers her place and that the Commons are in charge.

Also there's a Crown, a Sword of State, Cap of Maintenance and a +5 Cloak of Warding (ok I made up that last one)

A member of the Cabinet is held hostage in Buckingham Palace as security against the Queen's safe return. Like America's designated survivor but in reverse.

And this is the scaled-down ceremony because of Covid. Normally there's a Royal Coach, Heralds, all the fun stuff.

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