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May 11, 2021, 7 tweets

This thread is about how artificial intelligence learns to communicate—and what it means for the humans on the other end of the conversation. LISTEN to the full podcast episode of #InMachinesWeTrust:…

You heard that right. We called up the original voice of Siri for this podcast episode. And @SiriouslySusan tells us she had no idea her voice would become the one that millions would associate with Apple devices.

Our very own @charlottejee also turns her parents into voice assistants. She and her family worked with HereAfter, one of a slew of companies preserving the memory of our loved ones... by creating interactive, digital versions of them.

And we speak with a father who thinks scam artists may have used artificial intelligence to capture the essence of his son’s voice.

There also may be a cameo of @joerogan’s voice. And when we say Joe Rogan, we mean a computer-generated fake of the podcaster, produced by Square’s AI lab called Dessa to raise awareness about the technology.

🎧 LISTEN to the full podcast episode of #InMachinesWeTrust to learn how AI find its voice. It’s available however you listen. [podcast brought to you by @Darktrace]:…

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