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May 12, 2021, 64 tweets

Palestinian group Islamic Jihad says it has fired 100 rockets towards Israel from Gaza in retaliation for attacks on buildings and civilians

A Palestinian has been killed by the Israeli army in the West Bank, Palestinian ministry says, as Israeli occupation forces signal a widening military campaign

Police headquarters destroyed in Israeli strikes on Gaza – AFP citing Hamas, army

Death toll in Gaza rises to 35 amid increasing air strikes by Israel on the blockaded Palestinian territory. Journalist Nizar Sadawi brings us the latest from Gaza

US continues to denounce rocket fire from Gaza, supporting what it calls Israel's right to defend itself while avoiding comment on Palestinians’ right to self-defence. Yasmine El-Sabawi has more from Washington

Israel has declared a state of emergency in the central city of Lod, after police break up protests by Arab Israelis

Israeli violence also flares in the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, with occupation forces throwing stun grenades at the Palestinian protesters

Israel looks to crush any dissent or solidarity in occupied West Bank by attacking protesters angered by Israeli raids at Al Aqsa Mosque. Journalist Muhannad Alami has more from Ramallah

ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda voices concern at escalation of violence in occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as well as Gaza, saying “crimes” under Rome war and genocide treaty may have been committed

Palestinian teenage boy killed in Israeli fire in Tubas, occupied West Bank – AA, Quds News

In pictures: The number of total fatalities from Israeli air strikes on Gaza climbs to 43, including 13 children and three women, as nearly 300 Palestinians in the blockaded territory wounded amid escalating Israeli aggression

EU court orders the union to register citizens’ initiative fighting against trade with goods produced in Israel's illegal settlements in occupied territories

Turkish President Erdogan after a call with Russian President Putin on Palestine:

- Russia, Turkey being on same page sends powerful message
- UNSC must intervene to stop Israel attacks
- Idea of sending international force to protect Palestinians must be worked on

Death toll from Israeli air strikes in blockaded Gaza rises to 48, including 14 children, with 304 injured – Palestinian Health Ministry

Israel's Defence Minister Benny Gantz vows more attacks on embattled Gaza to bring "total, long-term quiet" before considering a ceasefire

Israel continues bombardment of Gaza from air, land and sea with mounting civilian casualties on the eve of the Muslim Eid religious festival marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan

Munir Nuseibah, professor of international law at Al-Quds university, discusses the illegality of recent Israeli actions in Gaza and occupied East Jerusalem

In pictures: The mother of 16-year-old Rashid Abu Ara and other mourners grieve at his funeral after the teenager was killed by Israeli forces in Aqaba village near occupied West Bank

UPDATE: Israeli strikes in Gaza kill at least 53 Palestinians and injure 320 others since late Monday – AA

"We all want to see urgent de-escalation by both sides. The position of this government is ... we continue to believe that a two-state solution is the best way forward."

British PM Boris Johnson on Israeli aggression

Turkish President Erdogan and Algerian President Tebboune discuss in a phone call strengthening cooperation in defence of Palestinian cause

Hamas confirms Israeli air strike killed Gaza commander Bassem Issa, its highest-ranking member to be killed since 2014 war, as well as the killing of several top commanders

Hamas military wing says it targeted Israeli gas platform off Gaza coast – statement

Israeli confiscation of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem is not only a violation of international law but a war crime under Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, William Schabas of Middlesex University explains

Israeli military says it has killed several senior Hamas commanders in air strikes in Gaza and Khan Younis. Journalist Mohammad al Kassim has more

Israeli army confirms death of soldier by Hamas missile fired from Gaza

UPDATE: Death toll from Israel's continued attacks on Gaza rises to 56, including 14 children as number of wounded climbs to 335 – Palestinian Health Ministry

Israel imposes night curfew over Arab-majority city of Lod after clashes erupted over tension in Jerusalem, Gaza – AA

Senior Hamas official says it is ready to halt actions against Israel on mutual basis – Reuters

EU calls for halt to Israeli-Palestinian violence to “prevent broader conflict” – AFP

Hamas and other factions vow to retaliate Israeli targeting of civilian buildings and residential areas, in one of the most intensive days of attacks ever on Gaza, journalist Nizar Sadawi reports

Our main focus is the people, especially those displaced in Gaza, as well as urgent medical aid, says Yigit Olcay, head of Turkish Red Crescent Palestine Delegation

We speak to member of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement in Kuwait, Saad Akashah, on Israel’s oppression of Palestinians

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issues mild rebuke to Israel, saying Israeli forces must take “extra burden” to avoid civilian deaths as Washington sends a diplomat to Middle East over Gaza, West Bank violence

Israeli air strikes destroy third tall structure in Gaza, the 10-storey Al Sharouk tower that houses Al Aqsa TV channel

Hamas says it has launched 130 rockets at Israel in retaliation for strike on Al Sharouk tower as journalists confirm raid sirens in Tel Aviv

Israel has been protected by global superpowers, with the UN Security Council shielding the country from any sanctions regardless of crimes committed, says Munir Nuseibah of Al Quds University

Palestinian resistance says they fired rockets against Israel's Ashkelon city in response to the bombing of Al Shorouk building in Gaza – AA

Israeli paramedics say 6-year-old killed, 5 people wounded in rocket strike on Sderot city after Hamas announced the firing of 130 rockets towards Israel in response to bombings in Gaza city

US airlines cancels flights to Tel Aviv on Wednesday and Thursday – Reuters

If you look at headlines from prominent newspapers like New York Times or Washington Post, you can see the very stark racialisation of Palestinians as the lesser people, says law professor Khaled Beydoun

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says urgent Israel-Palestine meeting needed with international quartet that also includes UN, US and EU

UPDATE: Death toll from Israel's continued attacks on Gaza rises to 65, including 5 women and 16 children as number of wounded climbs to 365 – Palestinian Health Ministry

Right-wing Jews in Israel attack Palestinian citizens and vandalise businesses owned by Arabs in several cities, including Bat Yam and Tiberias, after mobilising on social media – local media

In pictures: Air guided bomb is seen hitting Al Sharouk tower as it collapses during an Israeli air strike in Gaza City

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says recent incidents demonstrate how important it is to restart the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh condemns Israel for being an aggressor against his people

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says he's deeply concerned about the violence in Gaza, saying the US is sending a diplomat to the region to urge for de-escalation

Israeli extremists launch attacks on Palestinians in several cities across Israel

"We must not be dragged into provocations and inflicting harm on people or property."

Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef says in a statement as media reports a spread of street attacks by Jews on Palestinians in Israel

State of emergency has been declared and a night curfew imposed in Lod. TRT World's Mustafa Fatih Yavuz reports

How could the US prove itself to be a mediator in Israeli-Palestinian conflict? TRT World’s Yunus Paksoy reports

We will be more resilient until we achieve victory and liberation, says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Turkey’s Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin talks bilateral relations, regional developments with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, underlines Israel’s attacks on Al Aqsa Mosque and Gaza as unacceptable

"Israel's actions, which are against the decisions by humanity’s common organizations, fundamental human rights, the international law and all human values, must be stopped immediately."

Turkey's President Erdogan on Israeli attacks on Palestine

US President Biden says he has spoken with Israeli PM Netanyahu, says "Israel has a right to defend itself" amid Hamas rocket attacks

The situation in the central Israeli city of Lod is still tense following fighting between Jewish residents and Palestinians in Israel, our correspondent reports

Some parts of Gaza city are currently under intense aerial bombing by Israel, journalist Nizer Sadawi reports

UPDATE: Death toll from Israeli attacks on Gaza rises to 67 Palestinians, including 17 children and six women, while 388 others are injured – Gaza health ministry

In pictures: Injured Palestinians flock to hospitals in Gaza amid Israel air strikes as night time curfew imposed in city of Lod after nights of unrest

In pictures: Explosions light up the Gaza night sky as Israel continues its aerial bombardment of the Palestinian enclave

Jewish extremists brutally attacked a Palestinian and destroyed many Palestinian-owned businesses in the Israeli city of Bat Yam

Opposition from the United States blocks the UNSC from issuing a joint statement on the escalating hostilities between Israel and Palestine. Our correspondent has more

Israeli has carried out more than 10 air strikes across Gaza City in the last two hours, journalist Nizar Sadawi reports

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