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May 12, 2021, 20 tweets

1. The Assassination of Gaius Julius Caesar is an all too familiar story.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Originally a monarchy, it became a Republic at the time of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, popularly called “Tarquin the Proud,” (the legendary seventh & final king of Rome).

2. Romans have kept a very traumatic, almost mythical memory period, as well as a deep projection of every form of monarchy.

Very attached to the notion of “Libertas,” Romans have found new heroes like “Lucius Cincinnatus,”

3. the citizen who was said to have left his field to lead the armies & save his homeland from a great peril.

Endowed with extraordinary along with unlimited powers of a dictatorship, Lucius is said to have defeated the enemies of Rome, then given back his powers to the senate,

4. before returning to the ploughing of his field, as a modest citizen.

With the passing centuries, “Lucius Cincinnatus” has become a semi-legendary paragon of virtue & humility; an example of devotion to the public good.

5. Numerous Roman politicians will later claim to be followers of this man. As for Julius Caesar?, he does precisely the opposite.

He becomes the enemy of the Republic by advancing on Rome, subjugating the senate, then seizing the power for his own use.

6. For many people, the ghost of “Tarquin the Proud” & of the monarchy, threatens again, their beloveth Republic.

Caesar, a ‘Consul,’ - the most powerful league of elected Roman officials vested with the ‘Imperium’ (the military & civil command power).

7. However like every magistrate, the consuls must get rid of their powers once their mandate is ended.

If they refuse to do so, they are condemned by senate (the one & only guarantor of legitimacy).

8. It is Caesar’s choice, he breaks the law & becomes by this very fact, an “enemy of the Republic.”

For Caesar, it is the moment of truth. After he hunted down the Republican army from across the Mediterranean, it is here, on this Spanish slopes that everything will be settled!

9. On March 17, in the year 45 BC, in Munda, Julius Caesar defeats the Republican army & puts an end to a dreadful civil war. Caesareans against the Republicans, legions against legions.

10. Caesar won his bet & goes back to Rome as a conquering hero, proclaiming himself as true defender of the Republic.

But the outcome is not as yet certain. Now Caesar must legitimize his power.

11. Always abiding by the law, he will search for the slightest flaws & exploit them to his advantage.

In the year 49 BC, he had already appointed himself dictator. A position endowed with exceptional powers normally used to deal with emergency situations.

12. Caesar ignores the 6 months term of office & makes his rule permanent. But he doesn’t stop there, he also gets the RIGHT to appoint the other magistrates, governors, consuls & tribunes, as well as the army command.

Caesar has all the powers & dominates political life.

13. He commands dozens of thousands of veteran legionaries entirely devoted to him, appoints his nearest relatives to key positions, he is loved & respected by the common people & above all, owns a huge wealth.

The senate under control can do nothing but notice the situation.

14. For the ancient senatorial families, holders of power since the beginnings of Rome, Caesar is a real danger.

In the restricted circles of the Roman aristocracy, some people begin to envisage assassination.

15. That day of March, in 44 BC, while he was on his way to the Curia (where the senate stands), the ruler of Rome is at the peak of his powers. Caesar seemed invisible

Stabbed to death 23 times, Caesar lay on the ground of the Curia assassinated in the senate by 20 conspirators

16. All the other senators have fled, afraid that they might be suspected of complicity.

Among conspirators, there was a strong evidence of indecision. They first think about getting rid of the corpse in the senate, then gave up the idea.

17. Surprisingly, nobody seemed to have any idea of what to do once the dictator was dead.

Mark Anthony (Caesar’s lieutenant), a veteran of all his campaigns, jumps at the opportunity. At Caesar’s funeral, he delivers a moving funeral oration that galvanizes the masses.

18. Now fueled with rage & tasting for revenge, inhabitants of Rome are getting increasingly angry.

Caesar’s assassins find themselves forced to flee. From now on, Mark Anthony is free to do as he pleases, & cleverly acts as Caesar’s successor.

19. But the assassinated ruler had written a ‘Will.’ In this legal document, it is stipulated that he adopts Gaius Octavius (his Great nephew), & that he bequeaths his wealth to him.

A little known 18-year-old man, becomes the legatee of the prestigious name of ‘Caesar.’

20. Mark Anthony gets the military prestige & the People’s favor, Octavian inherits Caesar’s name & wealth, at least on paper.

Indeed the young Octavian is in fact deprived of his legacy by Mark Anthony. Between the two successors, conflict is inevitable.


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