Akhilesh Mishra Profile picture
CEO, BlueKraft Digital Foundation. All views personal.

May 12, 2021, 10 tweets

Problem with the joint letter by opposition politicians is that no one knows when to take these 'leaders' seriously? For they recommended one thing one day and do a complete U-turn the next day.

So which suggestion to accept? And when?

A response on each of the 9 points. 1/10

Point 01: Procure vaccines centrally.
Letter signed by Sonia Gandhi.

But @RahulGandhi wrote a letter in April asking for "State governments a greater say in vaccine procurement". Multiple Congress leaders asked for same.

So which suggestion to accept? Sonia ji or Rahul? 2/10

@RahulGandhi Point 02:Free, Universal mass vaccination
Letter signed by Sonia Gandhi.

But from @DrAMSinghvi to @ShashiTharoor and all others have been arguing for months for private channel vaccination. Whose suggestion to accept?
(central channel vaccination is FREE FOR ALL ELIGIBLE). 3/10

Point 03: Expand domestic production of vaccines
Letter signed by Sonia Gandhi & @yadavakhilesh.

But @ManishTewari & other Congressis have been instigating people against 'domestic' Covaxin for months.

Yadav dismissed all vaccines as "BJP vaccines". Which version is true? 4/10

Point 04: Spend budgetary allocation on vaccines
Letter signed by those experienced in governance

So far, total 17.59 Cr people vaccinated. Approximately 16 Cr of these are through FREE Central government channel.

How are these vaccines procured without utilizing budget? 5/10

Point 05: Stop Central Vista
Letter signed by Sonia Gandhi, @PawarSpeaks & @OfficeofUT.

Central Vista is a pre-pandemic sanctioned ongoing project.

But what about new assembly building in Chhattisgarh in middle of pandemic? Or MLA hostel in Maharashtra? That is fine? 6/10

Point 06: Unaccounted PM CARES
Letter signed by Sonia Gandhi

PMNRF under UPA was unaccounted. Sonia ji lifelong board member. Congressman Rameshwar Thakur was auditor. PMNRF donated to Rajiv Gandhi Foundation.

PM CARES used to build oxygen plants, buy oxygen systems etc. 7/10

Point 07: Give money to poor
Letter signed @PawarSpeaks & @MamataOfficial

Sharad Pawar ji's concern for poor/jobless is touching after the 'vasooli' culture of his party and government.

Mamata ji has deprived farmers of Bengal from PM-Kisan.

Modi government doing this. 8/10

Point 08: Free distribution of food grains
Letter signed by 12 leaders

PM Garib Kalyan Yojana does exactly that. More than 80 Cr benefit. Was implemented till November 2020. And again ALREADY EXTENDED.

Suggesting what is already done seems to be idea of you know who? :) 9/10

Point 09: Repeal Farm Laws
Letter signed by Sonia Gandhi & @PawarSpeaks

Congress manifesto 2019 - repeal APMC, establish free market for agri-produce.
Sharad Pawar asking for same reforms.

So really difficult to decide when to take them seriously and when to ignore. 10/10

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