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May 12, 2021, 5 tweets

North Eastern states: Vaccination coverage by state and district.

✅ Tripura: 11.25% of total population has received 2 doses (2nd behind Ladakh) and 24% have received atleast 1 dose.
✅ Assam: Lagging with close to 2% with 2 doses and 7% with 1 dose.


✅ Arunachal Pradesh: 4.5% received 2 doses and 14% received 1 dose of the vaccine. 3 districts have > 10% receiving 2 doses.

✅ Manipur: Only 2.5% received both doses and 8.5% one dose. No district has >5% coverage of 2 doses.


✅ Mizoram: A good 20% has received the first dose, while only 4% have got both doses.
✅ Meghalaya: 8% have received 1st dose and 2% both doses. All districts showing <3% coverage for both doses.


✅ Nagaland: Similar to Meghalaya, only 2.2% have received both doses and 8% both doses.
✅ Sikkim: 25% have received the 1st dose - among the top 3 coverage nationally. 8.5% have received both doses. Sikkim seeing an even spread of coverage across districts.


📌 We see that Sikkim and Tripura have standout coverage compared to other NE states where the drive seems to be lagging.

📌 Doses available with states from the Central Quota as of 11th May is given here.


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