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May 13, 2021, 54 tweets

Thousands gathered to perform the Eid prayer at the Al Aqsa mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem, which has been the target of violence and aggression by Israeli occupation forces this week

Eid festivities are muted in Islam's third holiest site this year due to the relentless Israeli violence against Palestinians in Occupied East Jerusalem and the heavy bombardment of Gaza

Israel bombs building which houses office of Turkish relief group Yardimeli in western Gaza – AA

Health Ministry in Gaza says bodies received in Al Shifa hospital show signs of asphyxiation, testing for possible toxic gas exposure – media reports

Israeli forces are building up troops along Gaza border for a ground invasion of the Palestinian enclave, with an announcement expected in hours

Palestinian resistance groups are preparing for the urban defence of Gaza. Journalist Nizar Sadawi has more

Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz orders "massive reinforcement" to quell internal tension

Israeli forces have been using live ammunition, sonic grenades and tear gas canisters against Palestinian protesters in occupied West Bank. Journalist Muhannad Alami has more on the use of harsh tactics

Turkey’s Vice President Fuat Oktay reaffirms Ankara’s resolve to continue to make every effort toward protecting the Palestinian people from the oppression of Israel

Egyptian delegation in Tel Aviv to negotiate a ceasefire in escalating Gaza violence – AP

Sheikh Jarrah resident and activist Mohammed el-Kurd says Facebook disabled group dedicated to protecting the Palestinian neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem as complaints pile up against social media companies for removing pro-Palestine content

Hamas says it fires a round of heavy calibre rockets towards Israel's Tel Aviv and Ramon airport in response to Israeli strikes in Gaza. Journalist Nizar Sadawi has the latest

Cities with Palestinian and Jewish populations in Israel are tinderboxes where inter-communal violence continues to flare. Journalist Mohammad al Kassim reports from occupied East Jerusalem

The basic problem in Israel is that only Jews have an effective voice in politics, half the population is excluded from participation, says Ian Lustick from the University of Pennsylvania

UPDATE: Israeli army calls up 7,000 reservists, cancels leave for troops in combat units – local media reports

Russian President Vladimir Putin and UN Chief Antonio Guterres call for de-escalation in Israel violence

Palestinians in Israel face serious attacks by settlers, some have been pulled out of their cars and beaten up. Journalist Muhannad Alami reports

After the failure of previous peace deals, the younger generation of Palestinians is realising it's impossible to co-exist peacefully with Israel because of its policies, says political activist Azzam Tamimi

Rockets launched from Gaza towards Israel, sirens heard in southern areas – AA

UPDATE: Four more children have died in ongoing Israeli air strikes on Gaza taking death toll to 87, with 530 injured – Healthy Ministry

US objects to request for public UN Security Council meeting on Friday to discuss Israel, Gaza violence – diplomats

No UN Security Council meeting on Israeli violence on Friday – China

Israeli army minister approves call-up of 9,000 more reservist troops amid fighting with Hamas, more than the 7,000 reported by media earlier

Thousands gathered at Al Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem to perform their Eid prayers on one of Islam's holiest days

How is Western media portraying Israel's brutal attacks on Palestinians in besieged Gaza? Middle East analyst Daoud Kuttab and Rai al-Youm Editor-in-chief Abdel Bari Atwan explain

US President Biden says there has been "no significant overreaction in Israeli-Palestinian conflict". His comments follow spiralling death tolls as Israel's air strikes kill 87 in Gaza and rockets kill seven in Israel

Two Anadolu Agency photographers, their driver injured due to Israeli shelling in northern Gaza

White House says Egypt, Tunisia and others can play role in short-term to de-escalate violence in Gaza, occupied West Bank and Jerusalem

Everything I have seen on television and read about the ongoing Israel violence is serious enough to launch an ICC investigation, says Gresham College Professor of Law Geoffrey Nice

Western media has "accorded greater attention to Israel's narrative and justification of its actions than to reality."

Mouin Rabbani, co-editor of Jadaliyya magazine

Turkish FM Cavusoglu in phone call with Palestinian counterpart discusses occupied East Jerusalem crisis and steps to be taken against Israeli aggression

Israeli military fires artillery, tank shells into Gaza, sending families fleeing from homes – Palestinian witnesses

Israeli shelling of Umm Al Nasr village in northern Gaza injures dozens of Palestinians – AA

Countries that violate international law and commit war crimes, like Israel, need to face consequences and sanctions, says Nour Odeh, a Palestinian Legislative Council candidate

US President Joe Biden calls for de-escalation of violence in Gaza and says he expects to have more talks with regional leaders in the region

UPDATE: Israeli attacks on Gaza since Monday leave 103 dead, including 27 children and 11 women, along with 580 injuries – Health Ministry

The situation in Israel is about to be out of control as reports say Israeli settlers attack Palestinians, TRT World’s correspondent Mustafa Fatih Yavuz reports the latest from occupied East Jerusalem

Journalist Ameera Harouda from Gaza says many families flee their homes in the north of the enclave and seek safety in United Nations schools

Reports say Israeli settlers have once again attacked Palestinians in the Israeli city of Lod as violence spreads to several cities

US President Biden laid out his foreign policy that the US would not stand for human rights abuses, not mentioning Palestinian-Israeli context, TRT World’s Courtney Kealy gives details

Turkey's President Erdogan speaks with Nigerian counterpart Buhari on Israeli agression:

- Turkey expects Nigeria to show solidarity with Palestinians' 'rightful cause'
- Discussed efforts to get community to teach lesson to Israel, 'which lacks law, justice, conscience'

Israel's attacks on Gaza have killed 109 people, including 28 children, 15 women and injured 621 people – Palestinian Ministry of Health

The UN Security Council will hold a virtual public meeting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Sunday at 1400 GMT

Israeli PM Netanyahu needs to position Israel as having the upper hand in the conflict to make Palestinians sit at the table and accept unfavourable terms, says Sami Hamdi, the Editor in Chief of the International Interest

An Israeli ground operation in Gaza means displacement for residents in the enclave, journalist Nizar Sadawi reports

Turkish President Erdogan, Libyan Prime Minister Dbeibeh discuss bilateral, regional developments, Israeli attacks on Palestine over phone

“We urge the world to take action now to stop the new waves of Israeli aggression. Turkey will continue to stand by the Palestinian people.”

Turkey’s Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin

The Israeli army says its troops have not entered Gaza, contrary to an earlier statement, blaming an "internal communication" problem for the confusion

Palestinian medical crews recover bodies of father and his three sons from under the rubble in the town of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza

What is situation on the ground in Gaza? TRT World's Mustafa Fatih Yavuz reports

Ramzy Baroud, from the Center for Islam and Global Affairs at Istanbul's Zaim University, explains how Israel's PM is using the Israel-Palestine conflict for personal gain

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has ordered the mobilisation of thousand of reservists. Tallha Abdulrazaq, a researcher from University of Exeter's Strategy and Security Institute discusses

In pictures: Women, children and elderly take refuge in schools as Israel intensifies its aerial bombardments on Palestinians in Gaza

What is the US strategy on the Israel-Palestine conflict? Bassima Alghussein, the Executive Director of the Middle East Policy Council, discusses

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