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May 13, 2021, 8 tweets

.@BTS_twt appears on our June cover.

Inside the boundary-smashing global success and musical evolution of the world’s biggest band - and what’s next. #BTSxRollingStone

BTS’ magical levels of charisma, their genre-defying, sleek-but-personal music — every bit of it feels like a visitation from some brighter, more hopeful timeline. #BTSxRollingStone…

For years BTS cheerfully mentioned how behind on sleep they were. Last year, they finally got some rest, and all of them speak of months of reflection and self-discovery. #BTSxRollingStone…

The bond between BTS and their ARMY is real, and the guys have genuinely missed their fans, missed the road. #BTSxRollingStone…

It’s not uncommon for BTS members to shed a tear or two while addressing fans onstage. Along with their comfort with makeup and iridescent hair dye, it reflects their instinctive rejection of rigid conceptions of masculinity. #BTSxRollingStone…

Bonus BTS: Check back throughout the next seven days for digital covers featuring exclusive interviews with each BTS member. #BTSxRollingStone

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