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May 14, 2021, 51 tweets

The Biden administration's response to the escalating violence in the Israel-Palestine conflict is facing increasingly heavy criticism. TRT World's Jon Brain has more

Growing numbers of Palestinians are taking to the streets in multiple cities to protest against the Israeli violence and occupation. Journalist Muhannad Alami has more

With the mounting likelihood of an Israeli ground invasion, TRT World defence analyst Oubai Shahbandar has more on military capabilities in besieged Gaza

Biden administration caught on the backfoot as violence intensifies in Gaza, says David McCuan, a political science professor at Sonoma University

UPDATE: Death toll in Israel's military attack on Gaza rises to 119 Palestinians, including 31 children, as the number of wounded reaches 830 people since the start of the assault

Turkey has been very vocal in calling for an end to the violence against Palestine, urging other stakeholders to help end the violence. TRT World’s defence analyst has more

Odds of an immediate ceasefire being brokered by international efforts remain low, says journalist Muhannad Alami

Israeli forces block entrance to Sheikh Jarrah to prevent people from protesting in solidarity with Palestinian families at risk of eviction from the neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem

On Thursday night, Gaza faced an unprecedented level of Israeli heavy artillery fire, tank shelling and air strikes as the death toll soared to 119 Palestinians. Journalist Nizar Sadawi has more

Increase in casualties in Gaza, wounded Anadolu Agency news crew reveal Israel’s "disproportionate" attacks – Turkish Foreign Ministry

In pictures: In flashbacks of displacement dating back to 1948, some Palestinian families in northern Gaza flee their homes in Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia due to Israel's intensified bombardment which has so far killed at least 31 children

From pushing for a joint protection force for Palestine to marshalling world leaders for joint action against Israeli violence, our diplomatic correspondent highlights efforts of Turkey’s President Erdogan to negotiate peace

Turkey's President Erdogan on Israel violence:

- Furious at cruelty of terrorist state of Israel
- To oppose aggression in Palestinian cities, Jerusalem is a duty
- Imperative UNSC takes steps to ensure peace in Jerusalem

In pictures: “It was a massacre. My feelings are indescribable.” The Tanani family mourns after Rafat Tanani, his pregnant wife and their four children were killed after an Israeli air strike on Gaza's Beit Lahya neighbourhood reduced their house to rubble

Israeli forces have shot dead a young Palestinian man, Mohammed Rawhy Hammad, in north Ramallah, alleging he attempted to stab a soldier. Hammad is the fourth Palestinian killed by Israelis in occupied West Bank since Monday – AFP

Second Palestinian killed by Israeli fire in occupied West Bank and 100 injured soon after Israeli forces shot dead man at a Ramallah checkpost - AFP

The atmosphere in occupied East Jerusalem is calm for now but tensions rise at night in flashpoint areas such as Lod, says our correspondent Fatih Mustafa Yavuz

UPDATE: Ongoing Israeli attacks on blockaded Gaza kill three more Palestinians, taking death toll to 122

"Any building in Gaza can be targeted at any minute" as the Israeli military continues to strike central Gaza, Khan Younis and Rafah, with at least two Palestinians killed in the latest assaults. Journalist Nizar Sadawi reports from the besieged city

Palestinians are turning to the African region and global powers to be vocal on "the cross-moral issue of our times" yet the world remains silent, says Mandla, grandson of Nelson Mandela, as thousands march in South Africa’s Cape Town to protest Israeli violence

Israeli warplanes have carried out intensive air strikes in besieged Gaza and the death toll, currently at 122, is likely to soar, says Gaza-based journalist Nizar Sadawi

Death toll from Israeli forces using live fire against Palestinians in occupied West Bank climbs to four – Palestinian Health Ministry

Israel closes some of its cities as troops amass near security fence with besieged Gaza. TRT World’s correspondent Mustafa Fatih Yavuz has more

UPDATE: Death toll from Israeli attacks in occupied West Bank climbs to six, says Palestinian Health Ministry

French President Macron says he has spoken with Israeli PM Netanyahu and called for urgent return to peace, expressed concern about civilians in blockaded Gaza

We speak with Mazen Naim of Save the Children, who explains how children and families are affected by Israeli attacks on Gaza and its land, sea and air blockade on the Palestinian enclave

Israeli forces fire live bullets at Palestinian protesters in Beit El neighbourhood. Journalist Muhannad Alami reports from occupied West Bank

Slingshot vs firepower: Israeli forces are using stun grenades and rubber-tipped steel bullets in Hebron in occupied West Bank against Palestinian demonstrators, most of whom are unarmed, while some carry slingshots

Latest: Israeli onslaught on Palestinians

- 6 Palestinians killed, over 100 wounded in occupied West Bank
- Death toll in Gaza at 122
- Protests going on in many areas of West Bank
- Pro-Palestinian Jordanian protesters try to reach West Bank

For more:

In pictures: Palestine's children are paying a heavy price in the ongoing Israeli bombardment of blockaded Gaza

Of 122 people killed in Israeli bombardment since Monday, at least 31 are children

Palestinian authorities say Israeli troops have wounded hundreds more at around 1,500 protest sites across the restive occupied West Bank. Journalist Muhannad Alami has more

Israeli warplanes have been targeting civilian and residential neighbourhoods in besieged Gaza, says journalist Nizar Sadawi, adding Hamas has fired rockets in response

UPDATE: Death toll from Israeli aggression in occupied West Bank rises to 10 – authorities

More here:

US says Israel has a right to self-defence, despite Tel Aviv killing 122 Palestinians in besieged Gaza, and 10 others in occupied West Bank in fresh onslaught

UN estimates around 10,000 Palestinians left homes in blockaded Gaza "due to the ongoing hostilities" that began after Israel started expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood

Palestinian Authority is speaking with world leaders about the ongoing Israeli violence but local Palestinians are angry with their leadership. Here's why:

"Israel cannot exist without violent repression of Palestinians" as it follows "mowing the lawn" policy, says Ali Abunimah, co-founder of The Electronic Intifada

Israel's actions in Palestine over the decades amount to ethnic cleansing, says Mark Ayyash of Mount Royal University

US describing Israeli aggression as "self-defence" has led to massacres in besieged Gaza, occupied West Bank and Jerusalem – Palestine government

"We have the right to defend our land. We are not fighting the Zionists based on religion. We are fighting them because they’re occupying our land," says Khaled Meshaal, head of Hamas in diaspora

Despite Israel raining bombs on blockaded Gaza, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are still persistent to continue fight against Israeli aggression, TRT World's correspondent Nizar Sadawi reports

Death toll climbs to 11 in occupied West Bank, where Israeli forces have also wounded some 500 protesters – Palestine's Health Ministry

Ongoing Israeli attacks on beseiged Gaza kill four more Palestinians, taking death toll to 126 – authorities

What are the Israeli authorities saying about a possible ground operation against beseiged Gaza? TRT World's Mustafa Fatih Yavuz reports

Austrian Chancellery hoists Israeli flag in solidarity with Tel Aviv, but protesters in the streets of Vienna demand an end to Israel's aggression on Palestinians

How is Gaza's Shifa Hospital coping with the influx of injured people? Journalist Nizar Sadawi speaks to Dr Marwan Abusada

The Israeli army says three rockets were fired from Syria towards Israel but one of the missiles fell short, landing in Syria

Israeli aerial bombardment hits house in Gaza's Al Shati refugee camp, killing at least three people, including children – media

The bodies of seven people, most of them children, have been recovered from the rubble of a house in Gaza's Al Shati refugee camp after Israeli air strikes – media

Protesters in Pakistan are demanding more action from the international community to help stop the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. TRT World's Hajira Maryam Mirza reports

Search and rescue operations are underway after at least seven Palestinian civilians were killed by an Israeli missile strike inside a refugee camp in northern Gaza

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