Peter Daszak Profile picture
@EcoHealthNYC President. @theNASEM Forum on #microbialthreats Chair. Zoologist. Parasitologist. Ecologist. British. American. Ukrainian. 🇬🇧🇺🇦🇺🇸

May 14, 2021, 11 tweets

Looking forward to taking part in Congressional briefing today on Science Diplomacy at @UDBidenSchool hosted by the awesome @saleem_ali Q: What is the role of science on the public stage in a post-pandemic world?… will geopolitical factors influence research and policy on science re. the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, the research enterprise, and supply chains and national security? Key goal – building scientific trust and collaboration in an increasingly fragmented world

Allan G. Garber of @Harvard sees the value of international collaboration "We also see the dangers of increasingly looking inward"

Dr. Tong Shijun, Chancellor of @nyuniversity-Shanghai: "Science and human endeavor is benefitted by mutual understanding among countries, including the US & China".

The awesome @DrTolullah of @IndependentSage @MRC_Epid (among other great accomplishments): "We need to trascend silos, act locally, build public trust, work w/ the best advisory platforms". We must "break the false infectious disease-NCD silo".

.@DukeEnvironment's Drew Shindell in climate change "Look at insurance companies - they are more interested in risks they don't know well". "We need global cooperation to study the climate crisis & identify benefits of mitigation"

.@margagual, founder of @scidipglobal. "Science was one of the few channels for dialog that always remained open between the US & Cuba". Example of fisheries, bird migration - wildlife don't request visas, neither do hurricanes!

.@jacob___parker SVP @USChinaBusiness. "There's growing understanding of IP enforcement in China." We now need regular IP dialogs among US & China. On tarrifs: despite agreements now, tarrifs imposed prior to these hurt US jobs & need to be re-examined.

Minister @m_loken of @CanEmbUSA. "Science is an important thread running through the Roadmap for renewed Canada-US relationship...e.g. Building critical mineral supply chains for battery development for zero emission vehicles - critical for future national/econ. security."

Thanks to @saleem_ali for moderating, @ewhunsaker of @ChrisCoons' office, @lisamurkowski, & the @UDBidenSchool for hosting!

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