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May 14, 2021, 8 tweets


We ought to talk some more about one of Project Veritas's operatives, Anna Khait.

She has promoted Q Anon and Pizzagate, is friends with Jack Posobiec, Liz Crokin and has all sorts of connections. Big fan of Flynn.


These tweets are pretty self-explanatory.


The only thing I might recommend besides reading the tweets is to note the dates.


Pushing Pizzagate and more promotion of Liz Crokin.


Big fan of Flynn. Also involved in the Arizona audit.


Claims that George Papadopoulos is a patriot. Roger Stone makes a few appearances.


And when not allegedly trying to honeypot the FBI, she spends some of her time promoting blanket smears of Hollywood. And she seemed quite bothered by Clinton calling out Putin's interference.


Might as well mention that the Russian trolls were familiar with her work.


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