Ned Pyle Profile picture
Principal PM. Former USMC 0341. Chicago Tavern style. You may know me from SMB, SR, SMS, DFSR, & AD. Or not. I'm me, not my employer. Be anti-racist

May 15, 2021, 16 tweets


“We went up the biggest hill & even I was a little tired at the top.”

Lemonade stand? Not in Seattle, Buster

When I say that Seattle hills can suck it, I am not joking

Seattle people, otoh

“Who wants flowers?!?!?”

These yards

Power line wisteria

“We saw a lot of nice houses today, zoom in on the details”

Those doors tho

Chimney window? 🤔

“Hey how about more pics of me, give the people what they want!”

“Hey, why is it hard to get into the back seat of the Queen’s car? It’s a Tudor!”

A few more shots of Holy Names Academy

Vicious guard dog 😂

“Well we had a lot of fun & Dad didn’t die on that hill so overall it was a good day. Have a good weekend friends!”

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