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May 15, 2021, 98 tweets

Starting with a trailer

Radz-at-Han and Sharlayan

Final Fantasy XIV producer/director Naoki Yoshida.

Yoshida is thanking everyone from watching live around the world! He mentions how he would have loved to have it in person, but because of COVID-19 they had to hold the fanfest digitally.

So what is Yoshida wearing exactly? Time to talk about new jobs!

Zenos has changed jobs as you may have noticed in the trailer.

New Job: Reaper

Koji trying to be Yoshida's Reaper avatar.

Recap of the current arc ending with Endwalker

Even though this arc is ending, the story of FFXIV is not stopping here. FFXIV is Yoshida's life work, and will continue on!

New Player Hub City: Old Sharlayan

They're going to show a flythrough but want to point out everything is still in development, so the final look isn't completed yet.

Yoshida mentions how FFXIV was originally going to launch with six starting cities including Sharlayan, but was reduced down to three. Now we will have all these cities in game after all these years.

Soken has gotten a lot better at his vocal work, he has grown from his early days of mumbling.

Koji says the schedule to create the lyrics for these songs was three or four days, but says it was "long" considering Sophia took only two hours.

Amanda Achen returns, she was heard previously in the song "Tomorrow and Tomorrow".

Soken isn't really the lead vocals, in fact it's Sam Carter from Architects! Yoshida and Koji both are giving him and the band high praises encouraging everyone to check them out.

Now to introduce the main characters from the trailer!

Estinien has joined The Scions of the Seventh Dawn and is now part of the main story and will be a Trust NPC for the dungeons.

The dragon that carries Estinien is part of the first brood.

(sorry I don't know how to spell his name)

An important Elezen character whose name won't be revealed yet.

It's spelled "Vritra"!

Now to show off the areas that we'll be exploring along our journey

New Area Labyrinthos

This entire place is actually underground, it has a dome for the sky and lit by an artificial sun

New Area Thavnair

You have likely heard the names Thavnair and Radz-at-Han before in game, time to see them in action!


Artwork from a new area


Mare Lamentorum

People are wondering why the Amaurot theme is playing in this zone...

This is only one area on the moon, but no spoilers! We'll have to learn what else there is to see when the expansion drops.

New Encounters including The Magus Sisters, but they will have a completely original role in FFXIV.


They play a very important role in the story, they will be found on the moon.

Are they friends? Are they foes? Why are they on the moon?

Time for a recap of what was explained last time.

More content revealed previously!

Challenging New Dungeons as always

These are all main scenario dungeons, so we'll be able to see our friends join us as Trust NPCs for them.

New Alliance Raid: Myths of the Realm

Now to talk about the collector's edition

The age shown from the Warrior of Light over the years

Azem Pin

(Where's Palom?)

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Lineup

Starting with Endwalker, there will be no more physical disks. You will just download digitally.

If you're using the Windows or Mac version and you want everything, you purchase the "Collector's Edition".

If you're on PS4/PS5/Steam and you want everything, you purchase the "Collector's Box" which only contains the physical items.

For PS4/PS5/Steam users, you will only get the physical items, and then you will purchase on your respected platform the game from there.

If you don't want the physical items, but you do want the digital items, then you buy the "Digital Collector's Edition".

If you just want the standard edition, then just get the "Standard Edition".

Preorder bonus items (Here's Palom!)

And of course, preordering gets you Early Access!

When does Endwalker come out?
November 23rd, 2021

One more thing...

Male Viera!

They are planning on adding female Hrothgar as well, but not at this time because of the time it takes to do it. But it will be coming.

One more final thing (for real) there are players around the world playing in over 200 countries. But, for some players, the latency is difficult to play with. They are committed to the growth of the game, so they are adding a new data center.

Players from Oceania region have been stuck being split across NA/JP datacenters for years.

Introducing the Oceania Data Center

Look, it's servers

November 23rd, 2021 On Sale
November 19th, 2021 Early Access

Please look forward to it!!!

The President & CEO Yosuke Matsuda is here

He's mentioning how they decided to go digital because of the coronavirus. But, he feels that this digital fanfest is still an amazing experience to share all this information. FFXIV has been going on now for 10 years and he thanks everyone for sticking with it.

He thanks everyone for joining this digital fanfest!

That concludes the keynote, thank you for tuning in!

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