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May 15, 2021, 16 tweets

Here it is. The @SunguraCentral Top 10 Sungura lead guitarists of all time:

Note: 🎸Sungura only (for now). List not in any order.

1. Frank Sibanda - Four Brothers. Here’s a medley of some of Frank’s most memorable riffs.

Peak Frank Sibanda, on the Four Brothers tour of UK

Here’s a thread on the Four Brothers

2. Jonah Moyo
He actually started out on rhythm before the band recorded, but took up lead. Good call. Definitely one of the best to ever pick up a guitar - even that uniquely shaped one that he’s had for years

Here’s a profile on Devera Ngwena: Small town boys who made it big…

3. John Chibadura
The man had a unique guitar plucking style that NOBODY has been able to replicate since. A true lead guitar icon. Watch him work his magic

4. Nicholas Zakaria
From a Mazowe band called...wait for it... the Green Mangoes, to one of the most influential figures in Sungura. One of the steadiest hands on a Sungura guitar. This riff on Mazano is fire 🔥

Lecture in session!

5. Never Moyo:
ODK had great lead guitarists - Allan, Shepherd Mande, George Fero - but had to pick one, and it can only be Never. Always liked how he weaved his guitar around Chopper’s vocals...

6. Big debate on who which of the Orchestra Mberikwazvo lead men to pick. Will go with Donald Gogo; for those of us who prefer the earlier Macheso years

Four more to go. Who to leave out? Who to add?

7. Zhakata’s lead guitarist was a real one. This sequence on Mugove is iconic. Antony Bizek.

8. Dhewa: He once said it took him a while to actually master the guitar. His skills were often underrated. This guitar work on Ndinotenda Dhiya was what they call rapid fire

9. Admire Kasenga: Often overlooked on such lists, but the man could play. Nothing fancy, just sheer brilliance. These intros...

10. 🐐

No words. Just marinate yourself in these intros.

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