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May 15, 2021, 11 tweets

Slime 300 #06 was produced at Madhouse almost like a prelude to Natsume's upcoming work. Shinashina's attentive animation direction is a difference-maker, and so is the fact that his pal Keiichiro Saito animated 1/3 of the episode. Fun loose form compatible with elegance & beauty

Saito tags in at the halfway point and immediately makes his hand known. Good volume and weight, constant characterful tidbits despite the economical approach, plenty of looser art & charming shorthands, and instances of lowered drawing counts for comedic purposes. In short: fun!

The whole show is good at modulating the level of detail so all this is really doing is improving already existing qualities

The morning scene around the end of Saito's ~7 minutes long contribution sums it up the best: effortless back and forth of detail and stylization, elegance and goofiness, all for a pretty damn funny dumb gag

The rest of the episode's pretty great as well, for similar reasons at that. You can tell a special animation director is around when a simple flat shaded body in the foreground has details like wrist wrinkles while waving their hand (before erupting into more fun nonsense)

Tactility is one of the things I really appreciate in animation so it was fun for a change to see a team that's pretty good at that deal with a ghost who can't be touched

It helps that it was probably the funniest episode in the whole show, with an incredibly telegraphed punchline that still got me. The visual humor carries it so well

Free her, she's just stupid in the brain. That's probably not a crime

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