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May 15, 2021, 8 tweets

Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, known to the Jewish people as Temple Mount, is at the heart of escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians.

This is why one of the world’s holiest religious sites is the most contentious place in Jerusalem.

Al-Aqsa Compound is in Jerusalem's Old City. Israel considers the entire city as its capital.

Palestinians consider East Jerusalem as the future capital of the independent state that they seek. The site is the third holiest place of worship for Muslims.

It is believed the Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven from the site. But access is especially hard for the 3 million Palestinians who live in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli checkpoints and roadblocks stand in the way. Only Palestinians over a certain age are allowed to enter Jerusalem.

Others have to apply for permits from Israeli authorities and can only access the mosque on Fridays.

Al-Aqsa Compound was also the site of two ancient Jewish temples, and is called Temple Mount.

It's the holiest place in Judaism, where Abraham, the first patriarch of the Jewish people, is believed to have prepared to sacrifice his son.

Of the 15 gates to the compound, 10 are open, but only one of them is reserved for non-Muslims.

This arrangement hasn't sat well with some Israelis, who want to be able to pray at the site and also have ownership of the whole place.

In Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem, Palestinian residents have been challenging expulsions by Israeli settlers.

Palestinian protesters started clashing with Israeli police and far-right groups. Israeli police then attacked Muslims praying inside Al-Aqsa mosque.

At least 145 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, a further 13 in the West Bank, and nine people in Israel had been killed as of May 15, according to Reuters.…

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