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☀️ Space lasers are all my own. ‘Well dodgy’, ‘Back channel’ controller. Inventor of the 'Kosher zigzag'. Winner of 'Jew of the Day'🏅

May 15, 2021, 53 tweets

🚨THREAD🚨Hamas attack Israel (backed by Iran)to take advantage of the elections Fatah cancelled.

People in the west have marched in support of these warring Islamic fascist factions...>

Turns out it’s a handy way to be racist about Jews in a socially acceptable way. This is a neo-Nazi called “Lady Renouf”...>

Lady Renouf was too extreme even for the BNP. Does a far right extremist care about Palestinian rights or just hate Jews? Answers on a postcard...>

Perhaps it was the calls for religious genocide that made her feel at home. After all, Hamas and their ilk are also fascists...>

The west have found a socially acceptable way to hate Jews again, so it’s back to business as usual, historically speaking.

Every Jew-hater and Nazi across the world is embracing the narrative...>

I have heard story after story from Jewish parents about their kids getting abuse and racism at school.

This is down to the press, politicians and celebrities who gleefully pushed Hamas propaganda unquestioningly

And the results are clear for the community to see. A pogrom atmosphere

I’ve heard so many stories like this over the last few days

Because gulf states are now allies to Israel, their leaders are given Nazi style antisemitic makeovers, with horns and caricature noses.

Antisemitism can happen both to Jews and those with us

All around the world people are supporting the right of genocidal extremists to murder Jewish civilians.

“Fuck the Jews rape their daughters”. Not Tehran but North London.

Hamas are Islamic fascists. Supporting them is not different to supporting ISIS or the Nazis, which is why they attract these people.

It’s why some people take to the streets to call for jihad and fly the flag of terrorists Al-Qaeda. How safe do you think Jews feel right now?

The press backed by MPs and influencers present a cartoonish vision of reality which whips up incitement. Some of them can’t be bothered to even cover up their real feelings...>

And so we are left with our children getting death threats.

Campuses are unsafe for Jews. How would you feel knowing your child was going to uni, and that people might be waiting there to kill them?...>

When a terror group sworn to wipe out Jews staring bombing Israeli cities, @nusuk joined in the incitement. They got their ‘solidarity’ in the end...>

And now Jewish areas are dangerous places:

- gangs are vandalising Jewish homes

- a Rabbi was hospitalised

- someone wrapped in a Palestinian flag was reportedly waving a knife around

Even a Holocaust survivor was inundated with antisemitic comments praising Hitler and so on...>

From London to LA, being a Jew is dangerous.

Here’s a gang who were searching LA for Jews to beat up...>

The last week has felt like a pogrom, both digital and offline.

A huge pile-on by a society desperate to release itself from their shackles, have found a way to freely express their disgust of Jews....>

Ask yourself what provoked an angry mob to demonstrate and burn flags outside a football club owned by a Jew...>

Perhaps it was the claim that Palestine could be free, if only genocidal terrorists Hamas had a chance to reach their goal of wiping out Jews...>

It has become a trend from which the Jewish diaspora community may never recover. But there’s always Israel I guess...

Labour young people have been radicalised into calling for the annihilation of the only Jewish state.

As if genocide of Jews and destruction of the historic homeland would be justice for another nationalist movement

In response to the left’s exclusion of Jews and catering for Islamists who want to wipe Jews out, we are likely to see the rise of this other lot who also want to see Jews wiped out.

Two sides of the same coin, they inspire and react to each other

Lord Nazir Ahmed from the House of Lords posted fake news inciting hatred against Jews.

He used an updated version of the antisemitic blood libel (started in medieval times), that Jews kill children: “Israeli child killers”.

The child is Russian and alive

And so you see, whatever the political views of the perpetrators, the result is the same for Jews:

extremists inciting hatred against us and using the same source material

Still, at least Jews will always give extremists something to unite on. From the left and Islamists...

To the far right

But if you hold “wrong” views that aren’t pro-Palestinian enough, like this British Muslim was accused of, then you might get your front door kicked in too.

Soon it might not just be Jews who need to keep our bags packed

But for the moment, digital and physical pogroms of Jews is the thing. This woman even had to leave her home

A synagogue was vandalised with racist and “pro Palestinian” graffiti in Norfolk.

Norfolk is also where the “blood libel” (antisemitic myth of ritual child murder) originated in medieval times.

This myth feeds into much of the rhetoric around Israel/Palestine

“Does you child have a teacher with the surname Cohen? Call us now and you could claim damages”.

An ex-Labour MP defended by the ex-leader of the party mimics antisemitic Soviet propaganda

Meanwhile Jewish schoolchildren are told to hide their Jewishness in public (H/t @labenal1)

This is the “white privilege” Jews are accused of having.

In New York City a Holocaust survivor tells her grandchild to cover her Star of David for her own safety. Elsewhere in the city a mob burns Israel flags

....and fireworks are thrown at Jews. The new Jerusalem NYC disintegrates before our very eyes

This thread shows NYC Jews being beaten up, spat at and having bottles thrown at them. Violent mobs screaming obscenities like “Any Jews can suck my dick”.

This isn’t a demonstration. This is a pogrom.

Virtue signalling about a local conflict in the Middle East doesn’t solve anything. But it does lead to attacks on Jews.

Today, at Jewish shops there was abuse, shouts from vehicles and attempts to attack customers.

Protest at Warwick University, using a cartoon of the medieval antisemitic “blood libel” myth that Jews drink the blood of gentiles. (H/t @Conservative_JA)

The pointy ears and tail adds to the classic antisemitism of Jews being the opposite of good in the religious sense.

Meanwhile, Jewish 9 year olds are on the receiving end from their classmates, influenced by the religious incitement all around them

And in Canada:
◾️ Sexual assault
◾️Physical attacks
◾️Rock throwing
◾️Teargas attacks
◾️Calls- "dirty Jews" "Death to Jews" "We are going to rape your mother"
◾️swastika signs
◾️Cars with Palestinian flags trolling Jewish areas with verbal abuse…

Worldwide people have decided they have an excuse to attack Jews, and unwittingly proved the case of why Israel must exist.

Because non-Jewish society has shown it cannot be trusted

Jews are not safe! A football star in NY is asked if he’s Jewish. He will be killed if he admits it.

This is the extent of Jewish “privilege”. Some of us can hide our Jewishness so we aren’t killed

Back to the UK, where Jewish girls from universities across the UK are added to a WhatsApp group called “Hamas recruitment committee” and subjected to antisemitic abuse.

At Royal Holloway University London Jews are subjected to racist graffiti, abuse, support for Hitler and for Hamas.

A placard at the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign rally in London says “the Jews are killing Jesus again”.

Why bother pretending this has anything to do with solidarity for Palestinians...

In the Manchester Pro Palestine rally they say M&S, a shop founded in the 1800s by a Jew, is “the israeli embassy on the high street” and call to boycott it...

Another “pro Palestinian” car rally headed to a Jewish area in London, and it’s not to play pat-a-cake.

A 500% increase in antisemitism forcing Jews to hide their identity will not help solve a local conflict in the Middle East...

Oxfam don’t encourage Jewish civilians being murdered but “especially” condemns when it happens to Palestinians, which is different because they aren’t Jews....

Publicly praising terrorists and the murder of Jewish civilians, comparing Jews to Nazis and Palestinians to Holocaust victims

Racism against Jews has become totally normal and no one is reporting or saying anything

It’s like the western world has regressed to medieval times, when if you saw a Jew you tried to beat or kill them because you could

The speaker accuses Jews in Israel of being to blame for Antisemitism, which can only mean there wasn’t antisemitism before Israel existed.

What does he think the Holocaust was about, or is he saying it didn’t happen?

In Philadelphia a racist speech about Jews: “they control the media” and control governments...

In Germany, outside a synagogue “shitty Jews”. How retro...

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