Authentic #blackconservatism has always had the fundamental and explicit goal of opposing white supremacy. — Kareim Oliphant #BlackConservative

May 15, 2021, 21 tweets

What's fascinating to me about The Republican Party and #CriticalRaceTheory: The Republican Party was created to free people from a White Supremacist institution.

The Democrats used to mock it by calling it "The Black Party".

How does the party of black suffrage and liberation become the preferred party of the #AltRight?

How does an OVERWHELMINGLY (like 90 %) SOUTHERN & UNMISTAKABLEY BLACK PARTY; “The Negro Republican Party” become a Lily White Party?


That’s how.

You will NEVER be forgotten, Mr. Samuel Vick.

What those monsters did to you (The Lily-White-Republicans) was cowardly and an injustice.

We will restore your good name (and ALL the others).

“It was announced to-day that Mr. Roosevelt had decided not to appoint Samuel H. Vick. colored, as Postmaster at Wilson."…

“It was announced to-day that Mr. Roosevelt had decided not to appoint Samuel H. Vick. colored, as Postmaster at Wilson. It was on this office that Senator Pritchard, leader in the "Lily White" movement, made his test fight.”…

"In #NorthCarolina Pritchard became a leader of the Lily-White Movement,an effort in the South during the early 20th century to drive blacks out of the Republican Party. ...…

"The “small number” of white Republicans wanted to take control of the party entirely."

NEGROES LOSE FIGHT IN NORTH CAROLINA; Pritchard's "Lilly Whites" Recognized by the President. Politicians in Washington Are Puzzled by Contradictory Aspects of Mr. Roosevelt's Policy in the South.…


“As the number of eligible black voters dwindled across the South, lily-white factions in southern states began to battle the traditional "black and tan," or biracial, wing of the Republican Party.“

“In 1900 Pritchard reversed his previous stand and publicly opposed black officeholders. #NorthCarolina's delegation to the national convention contained just two black delegates."……

(George White and Henry Hagans).

The South's last black legislators served in the N.C. General Assembly until 1901; the nation's last black congressman of the nineteenth century, George Henry White, served the state's Second District from 1897 to 1901.

His farewell speech to Congress

“Black Raleigh Republicans brandished a letter from one of Roosevelt's top aides condemning Pritchard's lilywhite policy. After the 1902 elections, Roosevelt castigated lilywhite Republicanism more strongly.”

By 1902 the so-called "Lilywhite" movement again appeared within the southern wing of the Republican party, and in combatting it Booker T. Washington found an ally in black Republican Walter Cohen

"Cohen was a free black prior to passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to. He was Catholic by religion, but had Jewish ancestry, and he noted that he was part of the most-hated ethnic group and most-hated religious group by the resurging KKK."

“Cohen was an African-American Republican politician and businessman in the state of Louisiana. The New Orleans native was the son of Bernard Cohen and the former Amelia Bingaman."

....Like his better-known compatriot Homer Adolph Plessy, ... plaintiff in Plessy v. Ferguson.”

Cohen's political activity mushroomed in the 1890s, after the Reconstruction era, when he became one of the few blacks to hold appointed office into the 20th century.

“During this period, Cohen and fellow black Louisiana federal appointee James Lewis were the most important political allies of Booker T. Washington in the state, which played a role in their success.”


What became of that Republican party built to defend black interest -- later DENEGROFIED for lily-white objectives?

*Party Realignment | US House of Representatives…


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