Parham Eshtehardi MD Profile picture
Preventive + Imaging Cardiologist & Scientist • Dad • Husband of A Stroke Survivor Hero • @EinsteinMed @EmoryHeart Trained • @CardioOB #CardioObstetrics #cvCMD

May 16, 2021, 9 tweets

#CMD #Tweetorial

⚡ Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction ⚡


📌 What Is #CMD
📌 Why Is #CMD Important❓

Based on my #ACC21 #ACCImaging presentation

#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

Let’s start by talking about angina

✅ Angina w/o obstructive CAD is very prevalent 


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

✅ Angina ➡ poor prognosis
✅ Angina with no obstructive CAD = ⬆ risks of CV events compared to no angina, even after adjusting for traditional RFs & co-morbidities


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

✅ Angina ➡ poor prognosis
✅ WISE Study, as compared to asymptomatic women:
Angina + normal coronaries = 3x MACE
Angina + non-obstructive CAD = 6x MACE


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

✅ Angina ➡ high socioeconomic burden
#CMD implicated as primary cause of angina in patients w/o obstructive CAD


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

✅ Epicardial coronaries: primary conductance function w/ minimal resistance to flow under nl conditions
✅ Microcirculation: most of resistance circuit of heart & metabolic regulation of flow in local tissues


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

#CMD is functional & structural abnormalities of microcirculation resulting in angina + ischemia

#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

#CMD result from:
✅ abnormal vasodilatory ability of microvasculature
✅ compressive external forces affecting intramural microvessels
✅ microvascular spasm


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