Parham Eshtehardi MD Profile picture
Preventive + Imaging Cardiologist & Scientist • Dad • Husband of A Stroke Survivor Hero • @EinsteinMed @EmoryHeart Trained • @CardioOB #CardioObstetrics #cvCMD

May 16, 2021, 11 tweets

#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

#CMD shares similar RFs w epicardial atherosclerosis (traditional ASCVD RFs) & is associated with several biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress & coagulation


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

There is significant overlap between #CMD & epicardial disease

Large number of patients w/ #CMD also have epicardial atherosclerosis (obstructive or non-obstructive) & epicardial endothelial dysfunction


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

In our IVUS study:
✅ Most patients with #CMD had significant plaque burden
✅ Patients with #CMD had higher plaque burden & more diffuse atherosclerosis as compared to patients w/o CMD


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

In our IVUS study & a study from @MayoClinicCV, #CMD (endo-dependent/independent) was associated with features of high-risk (vulnerable) plaque


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

#CMD Clinical Phenotypes:

1⃣ #CMD w/o obst CAD or myocardial disease
2⃣ #CMD w/ myocardial disease
3⃣ #CMD w/ obs CAD
4⃣ Iatrogenic #CMD


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

#CMD is highly prevalent in patients w/ angina and/or signs of ischemia referred for coronary evaluation (in presence or absence of obstructive CAD)


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

Several clinical studies showed poor prognosis for #CMD (abnl invasive/non-invasive CFR) regardless of sex

@venkmurthy @ahmedalbadrimd

#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

In meta-analysis of 5K patients
#CMD (abnl invasive/non-invasive CFR) associated with
4x ⬆ in mortality
5x ⬆ in MACE


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

Based on 👆 strong body of evidence, @escardio recently included recommendations for diagnosis + treatment of #CMD:

IIa – Invasive CFR/IMR
IIb – Invasive endothelial function by Ach
IIb – Non-invasive imaging/testing


#Tweetorial #CMD #ACC21

What I hope you learned from this #CMD #Tweetorial 👇

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