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I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

May 16, 2021, 9 tweets

.@JesseBWatters there’s blood in the water. Joe Biden is politically wounded 100 Days Inn.

.@JesseBWatters The next subject is inflation. The Democrats pumped $2 trillion into the economy and they’re wanting to print $4 trillion more. This causes too much paper chasing not enough goods. #InflationJoe

.@JesseBWatters says gas prices never hit $3.00 a gallon during Trump’s term. Now gas is hovering around $3.00 and will probably go up to $3.50 A gallon. Gas hasn’t been this high since the last time Biden was in the White House.

.@JesseBWatters says same FBI that accused everyone of been a Russian agent and took two years to investigate a fake hoax was able to clear Putin within a week.

.@JesseBWatters says we are in a cyber war now wither Biden knows it or or not and there’s an alive war about to break out in the Middle East.

.@JesseBWatters does a recap and it’s looking like a rotten recovery.

.@StephenM tells @JesseBWatters if Trump would’ve clear to Russia this this hacking the liberal heads would’ve exploded. It would’ve been on the front page of every paper Trump caved to Putin.

The Pentagon‘s new hatchet man that’s bringing critical race theory into the military. They’re calling him the Pentagon hatchet man.

.@JesseBWatters talks to #PeteHegseth about the purge of patriots in the military.

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