John Holbo Profile picture
Ecce Holbo. (Professor of Philosophy, Illustrator of Philosophers.)

May 16, 2021, 28 tweets

Sunday morning "Jugend" thread, first half of 1898. I'll just pick whatever seems nice, or fantasy-related. The vignettes are often quite fun. 1/

That first one looks racist but a 'Wenzel' is a jack. Like on the card. A 'joker' then? I don't get it. 2/

I like the signature T-shaped ornaments, dividing the page. As to that 4th - everyone is against Germany, within and without! I'm not sure what happened in 1898 in particular to trigger this cartoon. 3/

The woman and the devil. Evidently they swap heads. 4/

Very Roberta Flack energy. 5/

The "Jugend" aesthetic is very broad. Satyrs or fauns. They'll take either. 6/

Nice stuff, eh? 7/

Böcklin! Cat show. Nice line work. Nice caricature. 8/

I like that cover. It has a nice Carlos Nines quality. 9/

Vampirella, 1898 style. Ex Libris. 10/

Vignettes. Like the green cover. 11/

Fashionable society, death, medusa. "Jugend" loves it all. 12/

I'm giving you the right-side-up and upside-down versions of the 'puzzle' picture. Love Mr. Muscle there. 13/

Burne-Jones and Justin Kerner, klecksography. 14/

Humorous. I love that orange-rust-brown plus acid green combo throughout. Not sure it there was something in the print process that drove them to it. 15/

Death, plus a Heinrich Kley. 16/

Böcklin. He does the chickenleg thing weirdly. 17/

I posted that guy with the moose horns once before. Love that guy. It's such an obvious Kirby thing to do. Moose horns. But I don't think Kirby ever actually did a moose, per se. 18/

Hippo! Card designs. 19/

Nice. 20/

Wild fantasy stuff. "How I became a modern art dealer." I haven't bothered to squint at the Fraktur, but I'm guessing statuettes of Cthulhu? 21/

Badger! Icicle! Fish! 22/

Chicks, dudes, manly symbols, snakes, death. 23/

Centaurs! Kittens! 24/

Cards. 25/

Few last ones and we're done for the morning. 26/

And ... 27/

We're done for the first half of 1898. end/

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