Alireza Jafarzadeh Profile picture
Deputy Director @ncrius; Author of The Iran Threat (Palgrave Macmillan; New York); president, Strategic Policy Consulting #IranProtests #FreeIran #Iran

May 16, 2021, 6 tweets

Iran’s presidential candidates, henchman Ebrahim Raisi, IRGC Brig Gen Ali Larijani, Es’haq Jahangiri, Saeed Jalili & half a dozen Revolutionary Guards commanders played major role in crimes against humanity, war crimes, repression, censorship, corruption &terrorism. #رئیسی_جلاد۶۷

Ebrahim Raisi, became Assistant Prosecutor in Karaj in 1980 at the age of 19 and a year later as Prosecutor of the Revolutionary Court of Karaj, and shortly thereafter as the prosecutor of Hamadan; he has been involved in the killing of so many innocent people. #رئیسی_جلاد۶۷

In 1985, due to his active role in killing those associated with the main opposition, the MEK, Ebrahim Raisi was appointed as the deputy Revolutionary Court Prosecutor in Tehran, and director of division suppressing opposition groups. #رئیسی_جلاد۶۷ #BoycottIranShamElections

At the age of 28, then Supreme Leader Khomeini appointed Ebrahim Raisi as a member of the death commission which carried out the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. Raisi has repeatedly defended his role in the massacre. #رئیسی_جلاد۶۷ #MyVoteRegimeChange

US Treasury had designated Khamenei’s preferred candidate, Ebrahim Raisi pursuant to E.O. 13876 “Raisi participated in a so-called ‘death commission’ that ordered the extrajudicial executions of thousands of political prisoners in 1988.” #MyVoteRegimeChange #رئیسی_جلاد۶۷

This sham presidential election is highly influenced by nationwide uprisings since 2017: People have been chanting, "Reformers, Hardliners, the Game is Now Over" & “Death to the Dictator.” People's desire is #MyVoteRegimeChange #BoycottIranShamElections

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