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May 16, 2021, 8 tweets

Who should be the next mayor of New York City? The editorial board met with eight candidates running in New York’s Democratic mayoral primary. We also spoke to New Yorkers in 35 neighborhoods about how to rebuild the city.

"I really feel like they should make more low-income apartments. Lots of people are fighting to keep their apartments because the rent is so high,” New Yorker Kim White said.

"I’m a Broadway actor so I would very much like to see more aid, not just to Broadway actors, but to gig workers, performers and even artists in the park," Autumn Hurlbert told us.

"Recently the crime rate has gotten really high. That should be sorted out really fast. In the last couple of months, even some of my family members got affected," Shahjaba Shahrear said.

"Racism needs to be quite adamantly, vociferously addressed. We have faced too many racist issues in this city," The Rev. Dr. Beverly Morris told us.

For New York, the headwinds are fierce.

For all the high stakes, the race for City Hall has been tricky to figure out.

Kathryn Garcia won the editorial board's endorsement. You can learn more about the candidates — in their own words, on the issues — and see what regular New Yorkers have to say, too, then make up your own mind.

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