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Hunting X’s, not %’s

May 16, 2021, 11 tweets

Two factors in making a Meme Investment

1. Influencers
2. Marketing

Let's check these boxes for $WSDOGE 👇


1/ What is $WSDOGE?

Let's start with what it's not.

Not another Shiba inu spin-off like $Shib, $Shibal, $Kishu or some unnecessarily vulgar sexual name.

It's a pug.

And a group of pugs is called a "Grumble"

2/ What is $WSDOGE?

- Doge of Woof Street
- Fair launched May 14th
- 100 Trillion coins (50% will be burned)
- Available on Uniswap (Not BSC...yet)
- Listed on CoinGecko
- Upcoming listing on CMC
- Announcement coming on Blockfolio, $Matic, & NFT
- Going full Defi
- @wsdoge1

3/ $WSDOGE When Moon?

It's important to understand the psychology of a meme pump.

It's created by network effect.

It starts with a few, then many.

$WSDOGE is currently in the "few" stage.

Pro Tip :: If you can't handle 90% drawdowns, you don't deserve 100x returns.

4/ $WSDOGE Micro-Influencers

We'll never reach the magnitude of an Elon $Doge shill again.

But the next most powerful marketing comes from micro-influencers.

Micro-Influencers :: "1,000 to 1,000,000 followers and are considered experts in their respective niche"

5/ $WSDOGE Micro-Influencers

Who :: @Pentosh1
Followers :: 141.7k
Bullishness :: @Pentosh1 first meme investment!

6/ $WSDOGE Micro-Influencers

Who :: @RickcryptoRick
Followers :: 39.5K
Bullishness :: "best anti-bot tactics I have ever seen on a launch."

7/ $WSDOGE Micro-Influencers

Who :: @LilMoonLambo
Followers ::102.3K
Bullishness :: Every big crypto account follows LilMoonLambo

8/ $WSDOGE Micro-Influencers

- @HodlThatShit (17.5k)
- @alenaxbt (14.4k)
- @casperdefi (14.3k)
- @LeCryptoGekko (4.7k)
- @mrbateman11 (10.7k)

Bullishness :: Locked liquidity, community building, responsive team, and sex sells

9/ $WSDOGE Marketing

"Content is fire, social media is gasoline" - Jay Baer

Part of the @wsdoge1 plan is to allocate 5% to marketing.

Their Meme contest is just the beginning!

10/ Last $WSDOGE

Pro Tip :: The key to any Meme strategy is to twofold

1. FOMO early
2. Stay in the know

And tbh, it's amazing to own a Billion + of a coin!

Web -
Twitter - @wsdoge1
Tele -…
Dextools -…

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