Calum 🍞 Profile picture
Island born & raised arty lad. I make videos at-

May 16, 2021, 6 tweets

Finally caught up with the @TheZoneCast setup episodes for the 'Ethersea' campaign today! Decided to draw the map so far. #thezonecast

Closeup of the tragic end to Mint Clackelroy and the Einarr Automations #thezonecast

The Delmer Expedition and a mysterious Bathysphere

The longhouses of S-town with @travismcelroy's fancy fish farms! #thezonecast

The Crystal Ascendance, the strange ruined technology of @JustinMcElroy's making. #thezonecast

The harbour, shipyard and tidepool school, where @griffinmcelroy is reinventing dogs and magic salt is everywhere.

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