Gurleen Kaur, MD Profile picture
Cardiology Fellow @BrighamFellows via @BrighamMedRes & @AlbanyMed | Academy APD @CardioNerds

May 16, 2021, 10 tweets

💥The Ultimate Guide to Lipids💥
🟢Lipid biology
🟢Physical exam clues for lipid disorders
🟢Lipid tests & interpretation
🟢CV risk assessment
🟢Fundamentals of lipid management
🟢Review of guidelines

🧵on this great @ACCinTouch session from today #ACC21 #ACCMedStudent #ACCPrev

1/ Lipid Biology #ACC21 #ACCMedStudent
Lipoprotein-central core of cholesterol ester/TG surrounded by apolipoprotein

Dietary fat➡️chylomicrons➡️TG metabolized in muscle & adipose by lipoprotein lipase➡️chylomicron remnants liver uptake➡️VLDL➡️FFA & IDL ➡️LDL➡️LDL receptor uptake

2/ Lipid Biology continued...#ACC21 #ACCMedStudent

HDL formed by liver/intestines - acquire cholesterol through reverse cholesterol transport

Lp(a) - modified LDL particle w/ additional apolipoprotein (a). Oxidation pro-inflammatory,⬆️atherosclerosis.

3/ Physical Exam Clues #ACC21

Xanthomas, corneal arcus➡️FH
⚡️Sitosterolemia (📈intestinal absorption & decreased biliary excretion of sterols) can appear similar to xanthomas

Palmar Xanthomas➡️Type III hyperlipidemia (recessive, defective removal of VLDL & chylomicron remnants)

4/ Physical Exam Clues continued... #ACC21

🍊orange tonsils➡️Tangier disease (mutation in ABCA1, HDL deficiency), associated w/ hepatosplenomegaly, atherosclerosis, polyneuropathy, elevated TG

👀cloudy cornea➡️Fish-eye disease (mutation in LCAT gene, low HDL, inc VLDL/TG).

5/ Lipid Tests & Interpretation #ACC21 #ACCMedStudent

When to measure Lp(a)?
🔶Family hx of premature ASCVD
🔶Premature ASCVD
🔶LDL >190, suspected FH
🔶Very high ASCVD risk to better define benefit from PCSK9i

6/ CV Risk Assessment

Guidelines recommend use of pooled cohort equations (PCE) for 10-year ASCVD risk

🛑Can under- and over-estimate risk in some populations➡️consider risk-enhancing factors
🛑May use CAC score in risk assessment & treatment decision

7/ Fundamentals of Lipid Management #ACC21

Diet & Exercise are always🔑
➕soluble fibers, nuts, vegetable protein, DASH diet
🚫refined carbs, processed foods

LDL >70 despite statins:
Ezetimibe (IMPROVE-IT)
Bempodeic acid (pending outcome trials)

8/ Review of guidelines #ACC21

♦️Emphasize heart-healthy lifestyle
♦️Clinical ASCVD➡️max tolerated statin to📉LDL by >50%
♦️Very high-risk ASCVD➡️threshold of 70mg/dL for non-statin
♦️LDL-C>190➡️high-intensity statin
♦️40-75 yo w/ diabetes & LDL-C>70➡️moderate-intensity statin

9/ Review of guidelines continued... #ACC21 #ACCMedStudent

♦️40-75 yo primary ASCVD prevention➡️risk discussion
♦️40-75 yo w/o diabetes, LDL>70 + 10-yr risk >7.5%➡️moderate-intensity discussion if risk discussion favor Rx
♦️Assess response w/ repeat lipids 4-12 weeks after Rx

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