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May 16, 2021, 12 tweets

Silver Spoons actor Rick Schroder is wearing a symbol of anti-Blackness and police non-accountability as he harassed the Costco employees over mask policies.

Racism and covid-hoaxing goes hand in hand.

Post-Costco rant, Ricky Schroder says, “we all felt safe in the 80’s” and wants to go back.

ICYMI, Ricky Schroder went viral today for harassing Costco employees about their mask policy.

Ricky Schroder addressed the viral Costco video, offered an apology for using Costco employee Jason to “make a point to the corporate overlords,” but says his anti-mask cause is “more important than hurting people’s feelings.”

Ricky Schroder says “it’s important to back the blue” so we don’t end up with “military occupation.”

Ricky Schroder laments the United States could fall like white supremacist Rhodesia did and “became a place where whites live in fear.”

Praise for Rhodesia is straight out of the white nationalist playbook.

Ricky Schroder says “the Black community is in poverty and despair” and needs to listen to their “other leaders” like “Candace Owens.”

Ricky says Black leaders have led the Black community “into the situation they are in today.”

Echoing the Klan handbills of the past, Ricky Schroder warns Black people not to be used by “socialism” and “Marxism.”

Ricky Schroder implores Black people to desire the “safer” 80’s, but then goes on a rant about “the crack filled streets” and how “we should kill all the drug dealers.”

Ricky says Black community leaders are “failing” their “responsibility” to keep crack from “our streets.”

Of course Ricky Schroder is a huge Trump supporter...

For those unfamiliar with white nationalist support for Rhodesia:…

Dylann Roof wore the Rhodesian flag.

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