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Research & Report on right-wing extremism. Citizen journalist, photographer, activist, recovering addict, drug policy & criminal justice reform advocate

May 17, 2021, 10 tweets

Dozens of cops circling and parked around Tigard high school where vigil for #RobertDelgado is being held. Right wingers and locals are circling. Cops are pulling people over back to back. Cops are filming press and other vigil attendees. This is crazy

Second Tigard cop drove by filming and said "Proud of Your boys". Person yelling got pulled over on the way

I'm not 100% he said "Proud of Your boys", he was filming and said "something...something...your/the boys"
I ask him later; he acts like he didn't know what I was talking about. Next in thread

I ask if he said "Proud of Your Boy" he acts confused then asks if I'm with @nytimes or @USATODAY as they drive off

This appears like the 3rd car that has been pulled over coming or leaving to #RobertDelgado vigil. The person that left before this person, immediately got followed out by 2 Tigard police

Several locals and police are out tearing down all the flyers put up about officer Zachary Delong killing #RobertDelgado

These are the flyers. They were also being painted over

We asked some teens where they heard about a protest in Tigard from. We heard "from our parents", "police dept", "email" "friend read email from their parent", "social media". They didn't seem like they wanted to give an exact source of "protest warning"

Another person getting pulled over as they leave

These are the dudes with two other vehicles of right wingers that came to keep watch during the protest.

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