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May 17, 2021, 5 tweets

Round 3: Our crypto crash course continues this week to prep you for #Consensus2021.

Don't miss out on the last week of Unlocked 101, where we've got you covered from hacks and scams, navigating crypto at our event.

Here's what's coming up: 🧵👇

Kicking off the week, @immunefi's @TravinKeith walks you through the more prevalent hacks and scams happening in crypto to help you understand how to protect yourself.


Hear from @BitGo founder @mikebelshe on the trends they're seeing in the institutional adoption of crypto, and stick around for an explanation of $WBTC.


Beyond trading and payments, crypto is evolving and allowing non-financial gurus to build sustainable businesses.

Learn how to get started with #Consensus2021's own token with @unifty_io's @colingplatt.

If you’re registered for Unlocked 101, you can get a discount on #Consensus2021 tickets.

Register for Unlocked 101 today:

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