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May 17, 2021, 13 tweets

1 Mars Money is "F--k You" Money.

2 Was speaking to a friend who formerly worked on the International Space Station ISS. Well not literally "on" the station. But he worked on that project while on earth.

3 His insight was that SpaceX was at the time largely being funded by "F--k You" money aka very very wealthy individuals

4 So like a guy who might tell his buddies "I was taking some steam at the club with Elon and I says to him, Elon let's f--king go to Mars"

5 A very wise manager once told me: if smart people seem to be acting stupid, it's because they aren't telling you what's really going on. With Elon we are talking LITERAL rocket science, ok?

6 At inverse.com/innovation/spa…
“The thing that concerns me the most right now is that unless we improve of rate of innovation dramatically, then there is no chance of a city on the face of the Moon or Mars,” Musk said. "This is my biggest concern."

7 Elon played a lot of Civ in college. I think he's still playing IRL --for the Space Victory.

8 Honestly I don't think Elon gives a F about bitcoin let alone Dogecoin. This is about becoming a multiplanetary species.

9 I think the deal is if Elon uses his power on "Poop and Scoop" to create a lower entry point to buy Bitcoin, his ultra rich buddies will give him Mars Money.

10 Elon doesn't say stupid things about Bitcoin because he's stupid. He says them because the playbook for owning Twitter is to alternate between being a monster and a rocketship.

11 And now he's living rent free inside all your heads. And he's feeling a lot of urgency to get us our Mars City.

12 If you think this is true, you would BTFD. Not investment advice.

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