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Watch Al Jazeera’s live coverage of the War on Gaza. #GettingTheFacts #YourRightOurDuty. For breaking news alerts, follow @AJENews.

May 18, 2021, 45 tweets

Latest updates: May 18

Israel continued its heavy bombardment of #Gaza in the early hours of Tuesday, as the US expressed support for a ceasefire.

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At least 212 Palestinians, including 61 children, have been killed in Gaza since Israeli bombardment began. 1,500 Palestinians have also been wounded.

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Iran’s FM slams the US for approving a $735m arms sale to Israel amid Israeli bombardment of Gaza, while blocking a joint UN security council statement.

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UPDATE: Israel says its forces downed an unmanned aerial vehicle that approached the border with Jordan without specifying where the aircraft might have originated.

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Gaza’s first 3D printer, which manufactured medical devices for years, has been destroyed by an Israeli air raid.

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Protesters in Indonesia and South Korea show their solidarity with Palestinians against Israel's bombardment of Gaza.

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Shops were shuttered as Palestinians across Gaza, the occupied West Bank and Arab Israeli cities observe a general strike in protest of Israel’s bombardment of the besieged enclave.

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Are social platforms deliberately silencing Palestinians? @AJStream takes a closer look

@AJStream “It is important to rise as one and try to transcend the forced fragmentation imposed on Palestinians by Israel.”

A general strike across Palestinian cities is in full swing. 🔴 LIVE updates:

@AJStream A senior Israeli official cast doubt on the possibility of a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian armed groups.

At least 212 Palestinians have been in killed in Gaza, including 61 children, since Israeli air raids began. LIVE updates:

@AJStream “My older girl, she is seven years old. She asked, ‘Does God really feel what we are feeling now?’”

Khaled Abu-Shaaban, a humanitarian worker in Gaza says Palestinian children are traumatised as a result of Israeli air raids. LIVE updates:

@AJStream “It is their hate towards Muslims that is making them cheer Israel’s actions.” - Srinivas Kodali, writer

Why India’s Hindu nationalists are backing Israel on its bombing of Gaza

@AJStream Gaza is struggling with an acute shortage of medical supplies as the Palestinian health ministry calls for "volunteers to donate blood,” journalist @YoumnaElSayed17 reports.

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@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 More than 52,000 Palestinians have been displaced by Israeli air strikes that have destroyed or badly damaged nearly 450 buildings in the Gaza Strip: UN

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@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 Israeli police in Bethlehem have fired tear gas, injuring at least seven Palestinian protesters.

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@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 Israel says it closed a crossing into Gaza shortly after opening it to allow in humanitarian goods, after mortars were fired at the area.

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@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 In a show of unity, Palestinians protest across cities during a general strike against Israeli occupation and bombardment of Gaza — in pictures

@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 UPDATE: Israeli police say two Thai workers inside Israel have been killed in a strike launched from Gaza. Follow our LIVE blog for the latest

@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza by Israeli bombardment has risen to 213, including 61 children.

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@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 97 Palestinians injured by Israeli police and at least three arrested amid protests against Israeli occupation and bombardment of Gaza.

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@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 Israeli forces are dropping tear gas from drones to disperse Palestinian protesters near Ramallah.

At least 97 Palestinians have been injured and three arrested by Israeli police amid protests. LIVE updates:

@AJStream @YoumnaElSayed17 UPDATE: Israeli police fired tear gas and live ammunition to disperse Palestinian protesters.

One Palestinian protester shot dead by Israeli army near Al Bireh checkpoint near Ramallah.

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Three Palestinians have been arrested at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City where Israeli police used rubber bullets, stun grenades and skunk water to disperse protesters.

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Germany calls for a ceasefire and offers more aid.

“Today, I will lobby for a better humanitarian supply in Gaza,” said German FM Heiko Maas, pledging 40 million euros ($48.86m) to ramp up humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza.

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Palestinian protester killed as gunshots rang out at a large demonstration in the occupied West Bank.

The Health Ministry said 46 Palestinians were injured, including 16 with bullet wounds, 4 of them are in a serious condition.

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Some 58,000 Palestinians have been internally displaced in Gaza as Israel continues its intense bombardment of the territory, says UN ⤵️

Egypt pledges $500m to rebuild Gaza and sends medical aid.

“Egypt will provide $500m… for the reconstruction process in the Gaza Strip as a result of recent events", said the office of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

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“It is another expression of protest, of trying to confront and make known [Palestinian] people’s feelings ... coming out of Gaza and Jerusalem and also their experiences on a daily basis” - Al Jazeera’s Harry Fawcett, Occupied West Bank.

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“It is absolutely essential that the crossings are open.”

Israel closes Gaza border crossing again, halting aid deliveries from a convoy of international trucks

26 Palestinians were shot by live ammunition near the illegal Israeli settlement of Beit El, says Palestinian Red Crescent.

“We hear a shot ... then we hear an ambulance taking a Palestinian to the hospital" - Al Jazeera’s @nida_journo.

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@nida_journo EU foreign ministers have called for a ceasefire and boosted humanitarian aid for Gaza, but failed to reach unanimity.

Hungary, Israel’s closest ally in the bloc, declined to join the other 26 foreign ministers in calling for a truce.

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@nida_journo “[Palestinians] need to eat, they need medicine, they need inoculation against a pandemic ... they need doctors” - Riyad Mansour, Palestinian ambassador to UN.

UN chief António Guterres urged to issue emergency Gaza humanitarian appeal.

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@nida_journo Washington’s unwavering support for Israel is rooted in the aftermath of World War II, the Cold War, pro-Israeli political influence and public relations

@nida_journo UPDATE: The death toll from Israel's ongoing attacks on Gaza has risen to 217 Palestinians, including 63 children and 36 women.

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@nida_journo Israeli forces kill four Palestinians in occupied West Bank, including at least one protester, reports health ministry.

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@nida_journo Joe Biden directly addressed @RashidaTlaib during his speech in Dearbon:

"From my heart, I pray that your grandma and family are well. I promise you I'll do everything to see that they are, on the West Bank. You're a fighter and God thank you for being a fighter."

@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib “This constitutes a new danger besides the bombings and killings."

Gaza's health ministry spokesperson tells journalist Sami Abu Salem all COVID-19 tests have stopped after its main laboratory stopped operations.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib At least 217 Palestinians, including 63 children, have been killed in Gaza since the attacks began.

About 1,500 Palestinians have been wounded.

Twelve people in Israel have died, while at least 300 are wounded.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib Palestinian FM calls on the ICC for an investigation into Israel’s “war crimes” in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib Israeli carried out a wave of 60 air strikes on Khan Younis and Rafah in southern Gaza, reports Al Jazeera's Safwat al-Kahlout.

At least one Palestinian woman was killed and 8 other people were injured in this latest wave of bombings.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib Gaza's growing humanitarian crisis continues to grow as Biden and administration officials encourage Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials to wind down their bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib "We are making a path toward a sustainable peace more difficult."

Saudi FM says continuing violence in the Gaza Strip is pushing the whole region “in the wrong direction”.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib The Council on American-Islamic Relations urges Biden to halt $735m weapons sale to Israel.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib Hundreds of protesters gather for pro-Palestine rallies to denounce Israel’s continuing bombardment of Gaza in New York, Los Angeles and Boston.

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@nida_journo @RashidaTlaib Israel continues to bomb the Gaza Strip, hitting a residential building in central Gaza City.

At least three Palestinians are reported killed.

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