Akhilesh Mishra Profile picture
CEO, BlueKraft Digital Foundation. All views personal.

May 18, 2021, 10 tweets

#CongressToolkitExposed is all over the media. Its contents are beyond evil.

Let us look at what has been happening in the real world in the past few weeks and if the Congress or its ecosystem can deny the evil intent of any of it? 1/10

Tool: Defame India by calling B1617 as Indian Variant.

Action: No less than @RahulGandhi
himself branded the new mutant as 'Indian variant' despite WHO expressly forbidding it. Other Congress leaders took his cue.

Mr. Gandhi's close aide even called it 'Modi variant'. 2/10

Tool: Collaborate with foreign media to magnify distress with dramatic images

Action: Again @RahulGandhi leading from the front. What purpose does it serve to magnify personal moments of grief ?

Others fed into this gory politics of Congress to demean even the dead. 3/10

Tool: Shame anyone donating to PM-CARES and defame the fund

Action: Australian cricketer, because of all the love he has received in India in the past, and moved by the current tragedy donates to PM CARES. An entire ecosystem descends on his time line to hound him. 4/10

Tool: Collaborate with nationally and internationally to brand the Kumbh as "super spreader', malign Hindus.

Action: Congress party itself gave the line on its official website that suggested that 'encouraging Kumbh Mela' is a crime. Line given, everyone took the cue. 5/10

Tool: Central vista, which is providing jobs to thousands, must be stopped.

Action: National and International exerts, who otherwise say invest in infra, mobilized to question central vista and get it stopped. Who gains from stopping work which earns livelihood to the poor? 6/10

Tool: Seed distrust, message that Government is missing & promote Congress political work

Action: This photo, from @RahulGandhi's page is beyond belief. What is an oxygen cylinder doing in a Congress office anyway?

Oxygen shortage in Delhi. Sorted after audit/police action?7/10

Tool: Missing government in 'friendly' papers.

Action: Who managed to ramp up India's oxygen manufacturing from average of 700 MT/month to almost 9,000 MT within days? Remdesivir from 4 million/month to 10million/month?

People have suffered. But government missing? Yet...8/10

Tool: 'Collaborate' with international influencers

Action: Did you ever wonder why was @RahulGandhi spending so much time in interactions with foreign think-tanks and other non-descript academics instead of focusing on India?

What value do these outsiders serve? 9/10

The truth is, no one needs a tool-kit to feel repulsed by the Congress politics of last few weeks.

It is THIS CONGRESS PARTY that launched a full throttled campaign to discredit India's vaccines.

Anyone really needs the validation of a tool-kit to know the Congress game? 10/10

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