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Defence, Internal security, cybersecurity enthusiast, Ex-Software Engineer , Analyst

May 18, 2021, 14 tweets

After Greta Thurnberg Toolkit, we observed heavy donation calls from congress youth team with hashtag #SOSIYC. Instagram was filled with donation calls in name of COVID help
we knew they are acting based on a Toolkit
Lets expose the #CongressAntiIndiaCovidToolkit

If you all look our previous tweets, we have been exposing these antics since last 20 days
Remember DISHA RAVI who was partner in crime with @GretaThunberg toolkit
Her instagram id : has a link for COVID help…
check it out

Congressies are involved in multiple covid related scams like this one "FAKE REMDESIVIR" injection scams…

This was our expose few days back on how congressi supported chaps are collecting funds in the name of COVID help ...

Collect money in huge numbers, use that money to buy & hoard covid supplies then use it when scarcity happens...Blame PM Modi ...Repeat

Toolkit 2 : Many leftist Journos like Barkha dutt etc were camping around Covid cremation sites & taking pictures, on how people are cremated
Idea was to defame INDIA including PM Modi govt
Multiple Journos were putting pics of cremation for sale to international media houses

Journalists like Rana Ayuub, Money sharma were deliberately taking such pics & sourcing it to International anti India news agencies so that they can publish Anti India narratives targetting Covid management of @PMOIndia
Whats more heinous is they were putting pics for sale

Toolkit 3
Congress is a known anti Hindu party, it always takes pleasure to defame & abuse Hindus
In congress ruled states ,regions like mewat have always been a epicenter of anti Hindu violence..Congress has track record of supporting Mu$lims by going over board to appease dem

Toolkit 4 : Congressies were running COVID19 help donation campaigns in instagram, twitter & they have unleashed multiple media,celebrities & organisations including leftists gehadis to attack any one who donates for @PMOIndia PMCARES funds even if they are international figures

When Twitter ceo Jack Dorsey @jack donated to RSS linked NGO @sewausa for their COVID19 HELP WORKS & SOCIAL SERVICE , all congressies , liberals, gehadis, whined & cried becoz their antics of turning INDIA into a I$lamist centric entity backfired…

Toolkit 5: @RSSorg @BJYM @BJP4India karyakartas were giving COVID19 Help by arranging beds, oxygen cylinders , plasma etc
BJYM was able to launch helplines for people by teaming up with doctors, this spooked congressies & they tried to downgrade works by using Journos & IYC

Congressies even teamed up with International renowned blue ticked celebrities & personalities to defame @PMOIndia & even INDIA in which these Anti Indian ehsaan faramoshes stay by calling to call covid19 strain as "Indian strain" & "Modi Variant" giving cleanchit to China

Toolkit 6:
Congressies , Leftist Lutyens Khan market media have always been on the forefront against PM Modi's central vista project.
They couldnt digest the developement works that are going in parallel even during covid pandemic

DO u know why the congressies were miffed with central vista project...bcoz 3-4 buildings which holds no value but made & inaugurated by Rajiv Gandhi was demolished to make way for this project...
Central Vista was to save 100-1000 crores every year…

Toolkit 7 :
Congressies tried creating Multiple fake ids to target & tarnish image of PM MODI & BJP

Usual modus operandi is to infiltrate RW groups masquerading as a Pro Hindu guy/girl then start nuisance by questioning PM MODI creating a lot of confusion amidst BJP cadres

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