nomorefreeways Profile picture
we are the grassroots campaign to stop @oregondot’s disastrous, polluting, billion-dollar freeway expansions. climate leaders don’t widen freeways. ❌🛣❌

May 18, 2021, 5 tweets

"Let's be honest - the history of urban freeways in America is insidious." @MoveMpls' @MaryMorseMarti #Road2RuinSummit

@MoveMpls @MaryMorseMarti .@BethOsborneT4A shares information from @T4America's Congestion Con document; cities that increased freeway miles yet did not increase poluation still spent more time in congestion anyway. Induced demand is real! #Road2RuinSummit

@MoveMpls @MaryMorseMarti @BethOsborneT4A @T4America Regan Patterson (@Regan_Felice) giving the run down on just how abysmally unhealthy air pollution from cars and diesel trucks can be - especially for children. #Road2RuinSummit

@MoveMpls @MaryMorseMarti @BethOsborneT4A @T4America @Regan_Felice Just the coolest, most thoughtful and urgent stuff from Keith Baker and Reconnect Rondo, showing the theft of intergenerational wealth that directly targeted Black Minnesotans in St Paul with the construction of I-94. "We can quantify the loss." #Road2RuinSummit

@MoveMpls @MaryMorseMarti @BethOsborneT4A @T4America @Regan_Felice "We don't just need freeway mitigation - we need freeway removal...they are not equivelent. Mitigation keeps the macro problems in place" @IanLockwoodPE #Road2RuinSummit

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