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Scottish independence news feed. Updates from mostly new & indy media on efforts to restore Scotland’s status as an independent sovereign state.

May 18, 2021, 6 tweets


“Nicola Sturgeon announced her decision to postpone the vote on independence… She said that "we will not seek to introduce the legislation for an independence referendum immediately," but added that there are plans to come back to it in late 2018”…


“Nicola Sturgeon argues that before the second independence vote goes forward there needs to be a more clear understanding of Brexit terms and that in the meantime the government will be trying to secure the best deal possible for Scotland in these talks…”


The SNP manifesto for May's Holyrood elections said the Scottish Parliament should have the right to hold another referendum if there was a "significant and material change" in the circumstances… such as Scotland being taken out of the EU…”


“Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon has promised to put wheels into motion for a fresh referendum on independence from the UK…”…


“I can confirm that the Scottish government will act to ensure that the option of giving people a choice on independence later in this term of parliament [pre-2021] is progressed.”,nico…


“Ms Sturgeon added: “My preference would be to have the referendum and offer the choice to the people of Scotland within the first half of the parliament, which is a period that runs, as we touched on earlier on, until the end of 2023…”

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