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Nada mais que #Digimon #デジモン

May 18, 2021, 40 tweets

ST7-05 depicts some awesome looking Growmon on Growmon action, but the Vital Bracelet product placement on the background takes the spotlight.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

I have covered this one before. ST7-08 has MegaloGrowmon absolutely destroying Rebellimon.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

The final ST7 reference is Dukemon facing the Three Musketeers.

Beelstarmon and Gundramon are clearly visible, but the green energy shots belong to the off-frame MagnaKidmon.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

The last starter deck (for now) is Start Deck UlforceV-dramon.

Gabumon is walking through Digimon World's Misty Trees, which also happens to be its recruitment location (more on that later 🤫).

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Another game reference. V-mon is winding up a punch in front of a DigiBeetle from Digimon World 2.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

This is the last Start Deck reference.

Coredramon (Blue) is fighting inside an arena from Digimon Battle Terminal 02. Probably one in the WWW Continent, where Dracomon's blue line first appeared.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

6 promo card were included with both ST Dukemon and ST Ulforce. Each of them references one training exercise from either Digimon World or Digimon World Re:Digitize/Decode.

P-035 is Bomb Evasion from Re:Digitize.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

P-036 Crush the Log, also from Re:Digitize.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

P-037 is Move the Boulder from Digimon World.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

P-038 is Running Training from Digimon World.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

P-039 is Glove Punch, yet again from Digimon World.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

And finally P-039 is Waterfall Training , also from Digimon World.

That's it for now. Next we'll tackle the first booster NEW EVOLUTION.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Before moving to the boosters, a look at some references in other promotional cards.

P-032 is our first nod to Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth with Palmon jumping somewhere in Kowloon.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

The last two are DRB-related references.

P-033 demonstrates Sunarizamon's ability to change volume.

#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

P-034 has PicoDevimon working under DoneDevimon with a cunning smile.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Let's keep going shall we. NEW EVOLUTION is the first booster set in the new TCG.

BT1-007 shows Tanemon working hard at the Meat Farm, as seen in multiple World games.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

In the Parallel BT1-010 and BT1-029, Agumon and Gabumon jump out of the Digital Monster Ver.1 virtual pets.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

BT1-014 simply recreates Cockatrimon's DRB art.

#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

BT1-029 has Gabumon hiding in Misty Trees, just like the recruitable NPC in Digimon World.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

BT1-036 is a fun nod to Drimogemon's DRB profile.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

BT1-052 features an imposing Siesamon at the seaside, possibly referencing its appearance in Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Both BT1-077 and the Parallel BT1-076 have Okuwamon and AtlurKabuterimon facing each other, as a reference to the rivalry between both species.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

BT1-101's background is very similar to the destroyed city where SaberLeomon's battle takes place, in Digimon Adventure.

#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

The Parallel BT1-114 borrows the original TCG card design and art.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

While the regular BT1-114 still emulates the old card's pose, but places MetalGreymon inside Mugen Mountain, where it is a boss in Digimon World.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Oops, just noticed I skipped Kudamon and its line. They are placed on a digital space very similar to the Digital Gate in Digimon Savers.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Last but not least, the Parallel BT1-115 offers a different look on Zero's battle against Triceramon in Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Immediately into BT2 ULTIMATE POWER, BT2-001 reminds us how much Guilmon loves bread.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

In BT2-004, Algomon (Baby II) is floating on a digital space similar to Adventure:'s Internet. The same applies to its whole line.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Enough DigiTama Cards... here is Growmon in his Digimon Tamers' debut.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

BT2-020's Dukemon has the Royal Knights behind him. Except for Alphamon, that is. Truly the Aloof Hermit.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

In BT2-055, ToyAgumon is accompanied by Blikmon and a few Digimon World items.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

BT2-061's Andromon is operating a control panel, just like the recruitable NPC in Digimon World. This is related to a certain Net Keeper fella...

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Ok, please bear with me on this one. As soon as I saw BT2-064's art, my mind instantly thought of Dredd.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Impmon is hanging around an alley with a bunch of Beelzebumon flyers.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

At first I thought this was just a regular howl pose, but the blue flames at WereGarurumon's feet gave it away.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

That's it for BT2. Now for a quick set of Adventure references on the Tamer Battle Pack.

MetalGreymon roars in the Server Continent's desert, where it debuted again Etemon.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

Zudomon faces against WaruSeadramon. I guess he can't get enough of beating Seadramon up.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

And AtlurKabuterimon breaks through one of Vademon's kiss-summoned asteroids.

That's it for today. Hope you enjoyed and feel free to contribute.

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#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム

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