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Harnessing the power of American voices to enact policy change that guarantees full labor, civil and political rights for immigrants and their families.

May 18, 2021, 8 tweets

Follow this thread for updates on the event! #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

.@SenatorMenendez: "Our immigration was broken long before Donald Trump and it will remain broken for years to come if Congress doesn't act." #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

Gabriela Cruz: "This is the year we will deliver... communities cannot wait." #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

.@SenAlexPadilla: "Too many immigrants... are left to struggle against the arbitrary and unfair rules of our immigration system." #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

Donna Norton: "We cannot create good caregiving jobs without a path to citizenship for immigrants, and we must honor and reward our essential frontline workers." #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

Martín Batalla: "I urge Congress to deliver a path to citizenship for the 11 million like my mom... For over 30 years she has contributed to the economy in order to provide a better future for myself and my siblings." #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

.@SenSchumer: "We have a lot to do to make the United States a more inclusive, fair country once again." #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

.@Leahgreenb: "We have a moral obligation to act... There is no just recovery without justice." #WeAreHome #LobbyDay

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