mvrvfy Profile picture

May 18, 2021, 5 tweets

@ TXTChartData making fun of ateez on this poll saying Ateez even losing to stray kids fucking losers/flops

Both txt fanbases in the ss also run @ charttxt and now @ TXTChartData and @ ChartBTS and @ updatesvmin

@PURPLEKISSChart saying atz are street dogs with scabies

@ loonachartsdata calling Everglow failures aka flops and that loona stepped on Everglow by out selling them

A bg chart account shading a new gg chart accounts followers? @ ONEUS_Charts

@ loonachartsdata and their obsession with Everglow, calling them flops and laughing at them. you are a loona charts account.. why are you keeping up to date with another groups stats??

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