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I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

May 19, 2021, 9 tweets

.@votewarren ask Doug Logan to explain how this audit is different from the other audits.

The audit team couldn’t find the routers. Maricopa Co didn’t send them. All 3 men on record said that Maricopa Co told them they could have virtual access. They went on about 2 weeks trying to get the virtual access. Then Maricopa county says no you’re not getting any access

Ben Cotton explains The whole deal with the routers and the disinformation he’s been hearing coming out about it.

As they was going through boxes they was marked as original or damage Ballots sent to duplicates.Then went to duplicate Ballots and they’re finding a six digit number identifier. They’re not finding a corresponding Number identifier on the original ballot

.@MaricopaVote not having the passwords means they can’t validate their own policies and procedures. They don’t have control of their own equipment when it comes time to get ready for the election.

Ben Cotton says the database was deleted but he was able to go in and re-cover it.

.@FannKfann says The audit has been slow down because of outside forces but do you know when the audit will be done?

Hogan says they plan on been done with The counting process before the end of June.

.@votewarren says this is the first forensic audit ever done on this scale. So when there’s the next forensic audit they can look and see where we have problems to make there’s run smoothly.

.@FannKfann say this is a whole new breaking ground. She’s had senators, senate president, and speakers from other states contacting her saying this is an issue they struggle with too. They say this will lay the groundwork for future audits.

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