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May 19, 2021, 8 tweets

Top 7 Must-know Canary Network
#1 @ShidenNetwork

1/Shiden Network is a canary network that acts as an R&D chain of @Plasm_Network. PLM token holders can claim SDN tokens, the native token of Shiden at a 1:1 ratio. Shiden will act as a multi-chain Dapp layer on @kusamanetwork

1-2/Kusama Relaychain does not support smart contract functionality by design. This is where Shiden Network comes in. Shiden supports Ethereum Virtual Machine, WebAssembly, and Layer2 solutions from day one. The platform supports various applications like DeFi, NFTs and more.

2/ What Makes Shiden Unique?
Some core features of Shiden that make it unique:
- Multi Chain
- Basic Income for Developers
- Multi Virtual Machine
Also, Shiden Network will have all features that Plasm have such as:
- Operator Trading
- Lockdrop
- Modules

2-2/Furthermore, bcoz Shiden Network is a R&D chain, new technologies & features that Plasm team develop will be applied on Shiden first for performance testing. After a new feature becomes stable and fits @Polkadot vision then that technology will be added to @Plasm_Network

3/Multi-Chain: Shiden’s development team will also build bridges to various blockchain like Ethereum, @SecretNetwork , @cosmos

4/Income for Developers
$SDN token holders can stake their tokens on favorite dApps so that both nominators & the dApps developer can earn SDN tokens.

5/Shiden natively supports both EVM and WASM. Ethereum compatibility is just a day1 for Kusama Parachains.
6/Plasm & Shiden is backed by many big VCs that aims to increase the value & use-case of crypto into real worlds such as: Binance Labs, Hypersphere, AU21 Capital,....

7/ Shiden introduce the new incentive design for SDN crowdloan.

Top 10 Must-know Canary network

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