Scott Duncan Profile picture
Scottish meteorologist based in London | MMet @UniofReading | Former co-owner @wxcharts | opinions are my own

May 19, 2021, 9 tweets

It reached +30°C (86.5°F) in the Arctic today. Hotter than pretty much all of Europe right now.

Truly exceptional for any time of the year but mind-boggling for May. More updates to follow.

This part of the Arctic is 20-24°C hotter than average for this time of year.

Notice how cool most of Europe is compared to normal.

The maximum temperature has since snuck up to +30.5°C.

Observations available via OGIMET…

This is part of a ferocious heatwave.

Hotter tomorrow for many places along the fringe of the Arctic ice sheets.

Updates also appearing on Instagram.


Updated Arctic numbers on graphic over on Instagram.


I will be preparing a graphic showing how hot the Arctic is compared to the rest of Europe later.

Just letting all the maximum temperature data flow in from all countries. This heat is record breaking for Northwest Russia.

I am building a thread on this story as we speak.

Some FAQs might be answered here

Arctic heat is not a new concept but the continual destruction of heat records (like we see now) and the rapid warming trend is the main concern.

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