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For the Love of God, Christ is King! From generations of snake handlers. Warning frens : I may tweet / retweet / reboot a lot + 🐸 - ➡️ Psalm 144

May 19, 2021, 35 tweets

Egypt thoughts....

Hands n staffs

/thread (4 now)

Oh wait there's more....

Jesus / Pepe / Kek / Egypt / Trump

Trump 7s

Trump ancestor.... The trail ends...

Trump thinks about Pyramids

XI plays China, Trump raises him Egypt

Comparisons kept coming 🤔

Jesus / Pharoahs / Trump / Kek

Egyptian curses

Hieroglyphics... Ancient #meme magic?

Side note..... Lion things

7s / 5.5 / Second coming / King of Israel

7 Trumpets / Last Trump(et) / 7s

but Drumpfffffff!!!!!!

The left spent so long mocking Trump with an actual ancestral name (Drumpf)....but interestingly have completely avoided the more well known one.

Really makes me think 🤔

Back to Magic and spelling matters

Witches, Wizards, Warlocks & Magicians

Trump / Double headed eagle /Pharoah

Egyptians - - - - > Europe

Trump Europe - - - - > USA

Trump / Orthodox Christianity / Double headed Eagle /Old Jerusalem

Revelation / 5.5 / 7 seals / Lion of Judah / Trump / Worthy

Trump Lion 777 to Jesus 888

When the Storm IS upon us, it's really going to be Biblical

Egypt / Israel / Christianity / King David / Jesus / Connections & bloodlines

True if Big

Trump 777 / 888

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